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Data Charts for Sturgeon

Sturgeon medium

Listing All Entries for Sturgeon from Largest to Smallest

Angler Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
mahi mahi 66.0 March 21, 2008 Dansdino thumb   66" on the button. Fishing with Sean in Fairfield using ghost shrimp. Show
Archie Marx 65.5 November 08, 2012 Dscf5142  1280x960  thumb Dscf5145  1280x960  thumb Dscf5146  1280x960  thumb Delta Redemption! CPR Show
ChuckE 63.75 February 01, 2008 Topoftheslot thumb Dinotaped thumb Dinotail thumb Caught in San Pablo Bay using a live ghost and grass shrimp combo. Photo taken by Sean "scwafish". Show
HOLY TOLEDO 62.25 January 13, 2009 62 and a sunset thumb Sturglong thumb Sturgclose thumb OAP on grass/ghost combo. Show
scallen 61.75 January 19, 2009 P1040103 thumb   Caught, beaten, and eaten Show
Jedmo 61.0 March 21, 2010 Aoty1 thumb Aoty3 thumb Aoty2 thumb My first sturgeon for 2010. Caught the fish on ghost\grass combo. Show
Freddie 61.0 January 30, 2008 Spb sturgeon 61 in.  jan 30  08 thumb   SPB 61" Sturgeon. Jan 30, 2008 Thanks again Chucke... Show
ravensblack 59.5 January 18, 2009 Fish pics 029 thumb  Fish pics 036 thumb This was a truly awesome day. I also caught and released a green sturgeon over 4ft long. Amazing! Show
Jedmo 59.5 January 19, 2009 Jedmodino thumb Jedmodinoyard thumb Jedmodino59pt5 thumb First kayak sturgeon caught at OAP Show
melissa 59.0 January 13, 2008 Meldino thumb   OA 59" Sturgeon 01-13-08 Show
ChuckE 58.5 January 12, 2009 Dinootw thumb 2dinosotw thumb Dinotape58pt5 thumb Caught at OAP using a grass and ghost shrimp combo. Show
Freddie 58.25 January 11, 2009 Primary thumb Full thumb Tail thumb OAP Sturgie 58 1/4" of pure joy. Show
bwodun 58.0 March 23, 2010 P3230530 thumb P3230531 thumb P3230529 thumb caught at black point, length verified by otobepelagic Show
Freddie 57.0 January 27, 2010 2010 01 27 16.51.56 thumb Imgp1472 thumb Imgp1473 thumb S. Bay Dino... 57" 01/27/10 Show
HOLY TOLEDO 56.0 January 19, 2008    China Camp 1-19-08 56" sturgeon Show
Dale L 56.0 November 12, 2008 111208sturg 010r thumb   Sac River off Sherman Is, solo what a trip. Show
otobepelagic 55.49 March 26, 2010 Imgp5549.jpgr thumb Imgp5561.jpgr thumb Imgp5568.jpgr thumb Beautiful Day On The Water. Show
ChuckE 55.0 March 23, 2007 Dinoyak thumb Dinoup thumb  My skunk busting Montezuma dino. Show
scwafish 55.0 April 11, 2008 Montedino thumb   Caught on JPS at Monte...released Show
Bird 54.5 December 11, 2011    Epic hail mary caught on last cast at dusk. Fishing with Craig in SPB. Another great adventure! Show
Archie Marx 54.375 November 30, 2013 Sturgeon thumb Img 0266 thumb Img 0267 thumb RacinRob convinced me to go sturgeon fishing this morning. I caught this one on garlic scented crawlers wrapped with grass shrimp. Thanks Rob! Show
melissa 54.0 January 11, 2009    OAP on grass shrimp at my very own honey hole. Show
Uminchu 54.0 January 21, 2008    Montezuma sturgeon. caught at out going spring tide with the ghost shrimp. Show
KzReelRods 51.5 February 03, 2007    Caught in San Pablo Bay outside of Black Point in the flats in 4-feet of water, incoming tide, ghost shrimp. Show
ravensblack 51.0 January 16, 2010 Fish pics 2010 026 thumb Fish pics 2010 027 thumb Fish pics 2010 thumb Caught 2 today , one shaker @ 36inches and this one. A hail mary 10 minutes before the cutoff time last cast of the day Show
Freddie 51.0 December 21, 2007    Montezuma Sturgeon 51"- 12-21-08 Show
otobepelagic 51.0 January 19, 2008    China Camp 1-19-08 51" sturgeon Show
Ariel Sea 50.5 January 19, 2009 Oap dino 018 thumb Oap dino 020 thumb Oap dino 022 thumb OAP Sturgeon caught, measured, & released. Photographed and verified by Naoaki. Show
Danglin 50.0 March 14, 2007 Montezuma  sturgeon074 thumb   Show
kia.xiong8 50.0 November 24, 2019 Received 1577860489020344 thumb Received 2487804841490898 thumb Received 1518494198305297 thumb Soup time Show
KzReelRods 47.5 December 23, 2008 Imgp3251 thumb Imgp8208 thumb Imgp8209 thumb San Pablo Bay... the honey hole on Ghosties. Show
otobepelagic 47.0 January 18, 2009    47 inch caught, measured, and released. Witnessed by Ben/"Guitarzan" Show
mako1 47.0 January 24, 2009 Imgp2261 thumb Imgp2264 thumb Imgp2263 thumb China Camp, Rat Rock, top of the outgo, grass/ghost shrimp combo, 11' of water. Show
HOLY TOLEDO 46.0 December 31, 2010 Sturgeon46 thumb Sturgeonbendo thumb Sturgeoncountry thumb SPB. Just made the slot and was released in hopes of an upgrade. Alas. Witnessed by MANBEARPIG! Show
Midwest 45.5 February 23, 2017 Img 7639 thumb Img 7638 thumb Img 7635 thumb So stoked to land one on my Yak…So many hrs soaking for this great fish. Thanks for the company Tommy (Butete) ! Show
deepseadrew 45.0 December 14, 2020 20201214 165020 thumb Img 2642 thumb  Show
Tails2Tales 43.25 February 03, 2018 F6ffd9ca 2196 4f9a 948c 2ec35daa9fc8 thumb C5eb3e13 38eb 4ec1 b3a5 5879141904db thumb 7269a150 7ab8 4c37 afa1 3836d652ca52 thumb 43.25 inches. Grass shrimp. Fishing South Bay Show
crazyfisher 42.5 February 12, 2017 Img 3520 thumb Img 3536 thumb Img 3532 thumb Montezuma Slough...caught on eel and ghost shrimp combo in a slack tide around 10 am. Fishing with Lost_Anchovy. Downgrade to 42.5" fork length. AOTY Committee has reviewed this fish and determined that the 44" claimed measurement could not be verified due to positioning of tape measure. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact AOTY committee members. -bmb Show
Nolanduke 42.0 January 20, 2020 Img 20200120 134559 thumb   42" @ fork, 23 lbs. Witnessed by Eddie and gtnotte. Note: approved after reviewing extra video documentation. -PK Show
ThreemoneyJ 41.0 December 09, 2018 Fb281ed1 43f3 46bd a404 6abeb1215572 thumb 18a317bd 3f47 4ac2 9153 b2170ee64bf2 thumb B9cd4e9d 1bc5 417e a70f 64bcdcd58331 thumb San Pablo Bay 1st ever sturgeon! Show
bmb 0.0 December 14, 2009 Pc141049 thumb Pc141077 thumb Pc141098 thumb if someone has a problem with this fish the way it is, they can take it up with me later. as far as I am concerned, this is over. 10 fish down baby! learn everything you want, and much much more than you would ever want to know here: http://www.norcalkayakanglers.com/index.php/topic,21792.0.html Show