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Data Charts for bmb


Listing All Accepted Entries for bmb (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 31.75
(158.75 pts)
June 01, 2019 20190601 133107 thumb   Arw tourney Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 11.25
(135.0 pts)
March 30, 2019 20190330 192655 thumb   Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 14.0
(126.0 pts)
March 30, 2019 20190330 192550 thumb   Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 33.25
(166.25 pts)
July 27, 2018 20180727 103738 thumb 20180727 105234 thumb  Hookjaw Salmon at Albion Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 12.75
(153.0 pts)
February 10, 2018 20180210 115341 thumb   Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 13.75
(68.75 pts)
December 30, 2017 Pc300085 thumb   baby Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 13.5
(162.0 pts)
March 19, 2017 20170319 150804 thumb   Crappie - best of 8 from McClure Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 19.5
(175.5 pts)
January 06, 2017 P1060031 thumb   spotty with a body Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 15.5
(139.5 pts)
November 18, 2016 Img 20161118 094104871 thumb   Smallie butting in Show
Trout thumbTrout 20.0
(155.0 pts)
November 10, 2016 Img 20161110 210849100 thumb Img 20161110 211055728 thumb  sc stupid ugly dumb Show
Trout thumbTrout 19.25
(149.1875 pts)
October 30, 2016 Img 20161030 182443351 1  thumb Img 20161030 171929223 1  thumb  sc fat ugly Show
Browntrout thumbBrown Trout 24.5
(189.875 pts)
October 21, 2016 1021161831 thumb   Brownie trolling at the unnamed lake southwest of Susanville. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.75
(158.0 pts)
May 23, 2016 P5230538 thumb   GS Verm Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 13.5
(148.5 pts)
May 22, 2016 P5220521 thumb   GS Sunday After Greenling Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 15.0
(120.0 pts)
February 26, 2016 P2260412 thumb   Hennessey small fish with HOW Show
Browntrout thumbBrown Trout 22.0
(170.5 pts)
January 24, 2016 0123161606a thumb 0123161523 thumb  The top secretest lake Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.0
(160.0 pts)
October 24, 2015 1024151816a thumb Pa240406 thumb  Show
Trout thumbTrout 23.5
(182.125 pts)
October 04, 2015 Pa040396 thumb Pa040400 thumb Pa040387 thumb Not amador. Show
Browntrout thumbBrown Trout 20.0
(155.0 pts)
October 04, 2015 Pa040391 thumb Pa040393 thumb  Also not Amador. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 12.75
(140.25 pts)
August 29, 2015 0829150658 thumb   Tahoe Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.0
(160.0 pts)
August 07, 2015 0807151213a thumb   Albion Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 26.75
(133.75 pts)
August 07, 2015 0807151213 thumb   Albion *Not quite touching 27 so downgraded-Rob Show
Trout thumbTrout 16.5
(127.875 pts)
February 21, 2015 0221151016a thumb 0221151017 thumb  Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.75
(134.0 pts)
January 10, 2015 P1110370 thumb P1110372 thumb  Did you know you can add a 1/4" to a fish by turning its tail down? Not that I would. Shadow Cliffs short trip, ran into a bass randomly. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 19.5
(156.0 pts)
September 14, 2014 P9140338 thumb   Chunky cab caught on a bass jig off the Sonoma Coast Show
Trout thumbTrout 17.5
(135.625 pts)
March 15, 2014 P3150235 thumb P3150240 thumb  Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 26.0
(130.0 pts)
September 25, 2011 P9252061  medium  thumb P9252063  medium  thumb P9252064  medium  thumb Caught on the AR with Striper_Slayer and Abdiver. Nothing special for size. Measured by DFG fish counter and head removed (like the queen of hearts) Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.5
(148.0 pts)
July 24, 2011    The day after the albion open. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 22.5
(112.5 pts)
July 24, 2011    Barely legal ling from the day after the open. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 19.25
(154.0 pts)
July 24, 2011    Cabbie from albion, Sunday after the Open Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 12.5
(100.0 pts)
July 16, 2011    It ain't much but it be a start ye mateys!! shiver me timbers! caught off cannery row potholing the kelp. Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 9.5
(85.5 pts)
July 16, 2011    Giant sanddab caught off the red can in Monterey on a shrimp fly tipped with squid. 'Twas delicious, 'twas. Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 11.25
(135.0 pts)
March 17, 2011    From the Port to the Pot, fishing with Jim/Rockfish Show
Trout thumbTrout 24.0
(186.0 pts)
January 17, 2011    I think I'm done with slamador for a wile.. Show
Trout thumbTrout 20.0
(155.0 pts)
January 08, 2011    Return to Slamador..only fish of the day, but at least he was 20 inches. Show
Trout thumbTrout 13.0
(100.75 pts)
January 03, 2011    AH HA! I'm in first place! Good luck catching up to me now suckas! ::grin:: Top secret lake, top secret day! Yes, that was the biggest fish I caught that day, yes it was pathetic... Show
Trout thumbTrout 16.0
(124.0 pts)
November 29, 2010    World's smallest upgrade? Trout from short Don Pedro evening trip. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 19.0
(152.0 pts)
June 27, 2010 P6271527 thumb P6271528 thumb  Nice chunky cabby along the SMC. C&R on a white scampi. Fish #7 of 20...way behind schedule now! Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 14.0
(154.0 pts)
June 17, 2010    So big he wouldn't even fit in the net! Shhhh Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 13.0
(143.0 pts)
May 31, 2010    Memorial day kokanee @ melones, 35' deep on a rgt. caught a bigger one earlier but released without measurement. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 19.0
(152.0 pts)
April 10, 2010    5 down, 15 to go! 1/4 of the way there! Caught at CL dropshotting a banana in 20+' in Soda Bay Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 6.5
(58.5 pts)
March 20, 2010    monterey pacific sanddab! Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 8.75
(78.75 pts)
March 20, 2010    4 down, only 16 more to go! Pacific Sanddab caught in 150ft of water near the red can in monterey. <p>"Alien" mod tipped with squid. Eat your heart out PK ;) Show
Laketrout thumbLake (Mackinaw) Trout 19.0
(114.0 pts)
March 06, 2010    3 fish down, 17 to go...<p>Caught this rat mack on a snowy and windy day at Tahoe. Jigging a 2 oz P-line lazer minnow tipped with a Lahontan Redside in 130ft of water off Sand Harbor. <br>Just a rat but its better than nothing! caught 4 total, released two and this was the biggest. Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 14.5
(130.5 pts)
February 20, 2010 Spottedbass1 thumb Spottedbass thumb Minner thumb chunky spot upgrade caught during the NM trout bout on a dropshot 4" keeper worm morning dawn color 22ft of water. funny story behind the third pic - pm Dilbeck for details ;) Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 13.0
(117.0 pts)
February 13, 2010    2 down, 18 to go. new melones on a tx rigged roboworm, shady crowd out there that day. sorry about covering his head, little punk kept trying to open his mouth and i had to hold him down for the measure. Show
Trout thumbTrout 15.5
(120.125 pts)
February 07, 2010    first of 20? top secret lake on top secret lure or pardee on a weightless power worm-Super Bowl Sunday edition, either way. Show
Sturgeon thumbSturgeon 0.0
(0.0 pts)
December 14, 2009 Pc141049 thumb Pc141077 thumb Pc141098 thumb if someone has a problem with this fish the way it is, they can take it up with me later. as far as I am concerned, this is over. 10 fish down baby! learn everything you want, and much much more than you would ever want to know here: http://www.norcalkayakanglers.com/index.php/topic,21792.0.html Show
Trout thumbTrout 20.25
(156.9375 pts)
December 09, 2009    Amador solo trip. Caught trolling a pink/white grub. Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 21.75
(114.1875 pts)
November 29, 2009    Solo Delta Trip. caught on a mudsucker and released. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.0
(152.0 pts)
October 31, 2009    Caught at BH last day of season on a rootbeer scampi Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 35.5
(177.5 pts)
October 31, 2009    My first ever legal ling. Caught at the legume on the last day of the season on a scampi. Happy Halloween! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.0
(136.0 pts)
October 11, 2009    Caught 10/11/09 SM coast Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 22.25
(178.0 pts)
October 11, 2009    Caught 10/11/09 SM Coast on a rootbeer scampi Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 18.0
(90.0 pts)
September 20, 2009    Tournament winner from FW Bass Lake Tourney on September 20th, 2009. Caught at 40' OTW on a pink RGT behind watermelon sep's dodger. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 12.5
(100.0 pts)
August 09, 2009    Caught this just legal LM on the tuolumne river 8/9/09 on a grub. wifey took pic and saw me land it! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 14.0
(112.0 pts)
July 25, 2009    China rockfish caught at 2009 Albion Open. Not much but points is points Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 12.5
(62.5 pts)
June 07, 2009 P6070062 thumb P6070069 thumb  Caught this kokanee (plus three friends all the same size) trolling at New Melones on June 7th. Pink sling blade + Pink RGT 45' OTW in 125 ft of water. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 14.5
(130.5 pts)
May 30, 2009 Dirtydesktop thumb Pointsispoints thumb  Caught at Lake Pardee 5/30 on a weightless zoom fluke Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 9.5
(47.5 pts)
May 30, 2009 Kokenut thumb Worldstinyestsalmon thumb  Caught at Lake Pardee on 5/30 trolling a pink rgt at 40' OTW. Tiniest salmon ever but points is points right? Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 30.875
(154.375 pts)
March 28, 2009 Img 3508 thumb Img 3517 thumb  Caught 3/28/09 at OP trolling herring behind a dodger witnessed by EWB measured by DFG surveyor Kirk Show
Trout thumbTrout 15.0
(116.25 pts)
January 04, 2009    Biggest of the day, caught approximately 15 trout, keeping 4 - caught on the Merced River below Mcswain dam on 1/4/09 with gatorjit Show
