JoeDubCCalifornia Halibut37.75 in (188.75 pts)2024-12-10
scottymeboyRockfish20.0 in (160.0 pts)2024-07-05
scottymeboyLingcod28.0 in (140.0 pts)2024-11-29
JoeDubCLingcod29.5 in (147.5 pts)2024-11-30
tommcdoLingcod32.25 in (161.25 pts)2024-11-30
ThreemoneyJRockfish19.5 in (156.0 pts)2024-11-30
ThreemoneyJLingcod29.25 in (146.25 pts)2024-11-30
ThreemoneyJGreenling15.5 in (170.5 pts)2024-11-30
ThreemoneyJCabezon22.25 in (178.0 pts)2024-11-30
JoeDubCSalmon21.5 in (107.5 pts)2024-11-19
The KrakenCatfish34.25 in (188.375 pts)2024-11-06
The KrakenBrown Trout17.5 in (135.625 pts)2024-11-08
tommcdoSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass17.25 in (155.25 pts)2024-10-31
KPDFlatfish10.25 in (92.25 pts)2024-10-12
piscolabisTrout22.5 in (174.375 pts)2024-10-22
JoeDubCRockfish20.75 in (166.0 pts)2024-10-12
ThreemoneyJTrout22.25 in (172.4375 pts)2024-10-11
PashaStriped Bass22.0 in (115.5 pts)2024-10-12
tommcdoLargemouth Bass20.5 in (164.0 pts)2024-10-06
Sturgeon GeneralCalifornia Halibut30.75 in (153.75 pts)2024-09-28