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Data Charts for Steelhead

Steelhead medium

Listing All Entries for Steelhead from Largest to Smallest

Angler Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
otobepelagic 33.25 March 12, 2009    Russian River Solo..personal best steelie caught on bait (SGPB). Show
Poopsmith 32.75 May 28, 2022 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb I think this might be a hatchery steelhead out of the lagoon. Willing to discus regs on this guy but looks like adipose was clipped, I released him back to be a monster of the lake. Show
mako1 32.0 March 26, 2009 Imgp2523 thumb Imgp2524 thumb Imgp2525 thumb S. Fork Eel, pulling a plug in a slow, clear tailout, in the evening. A boat drifted through an hour earlier and hooked nothing. Easy release, no net, only touched the tail wrist to push it back into the current after slipping out hooks. Awesome creatures! Show
Guitarzan 31.0 March 13, 2009 Steelie 014 thumb Steelie 017 thumb  Russian river drift with Allen and Patrick, witnessed and photographed by Patrick. Show
HOLY TOLEDO 30.0 March 07, 2008    Russian River 3-7-08 30" Steelhead Show
scwafish 30.0 January 19, 2007 Bucksmall thumb   This 30 inch buck hit a plug in Ukiah, released Show
ravensblack 30.0 March 15, 2009    Wild steelhead caught on the Russian River.Released to make more babies. Show
scwafish 30.0 February 20, 2008 Okumasteelie thumb Gottrout thumb Aotymuhnay thumb Caught drifting in Ukiah. This fish was a MULE, and was essentially DOA so I kept it for the smoker. Show
Rockroach 29.5 February 04, 2018  1 thumb  2 thumb  3 thumb Superbowl Sunday Steelhead Show
jonesz 29.5 February 01, 2009 Russian steel thumb Imgp0121 thumb  My first AOTY entry with an assist from Patrick. This is a steelie from the Russian just before the rains. Hopefully more to come.... Show
mickfish 28.5 January 03, 2009 Imgp2320 thumb Imgp2321 thumb  Wild Fish C&R Russian River Water Super Clear Wiggle Wort. Show
Captain Ahab 28.5 April 16, 2019 20190416 182636 thumb   Today was amazing! This is my first entry. I already see how I need to do the pic sideways in the future. Show
mako1 28.0 March 14, 2008    South fork Eel river, diver with roe. Show
Rockroach 28.0 February 07, 2016 20160207 094951s thumb 20160207 143150s thumb 20160207 143245s thumb 1/2 day float before the Superbowl. Show
mickfish 28.0 December 24, 2007 Imgp0888 thumb   Russian River Wild Steelie C&R Christmas Eve. Brads Lure Show
otobepelagic 27.76 February 23, 2010 Imgp5297.jpgr thumb Imgp5299.jpgr thumb  Russian River drift Would have been a 194 point fish in 2009 :-( Show
Rockroach 27.75 January 31, 2013 Rr jan31  1 thumb 20130131 210307 thumb Rr jan31  3 thumb Hooked, fought, and landed,and smoked. 1st from a kayak Show
fishshim 27.5 January 24, 2007 Mark steelie thumb   Caught lower Russian with Sean and Jelly using roe and bobber rig Show
otobepelagic 27.5 February 21, 2008    Russian River Memorial Beach to Wholer drift. caught on my favorite bait....small piece of pink yarn, small pink puffball and a tiny piece of "stripper glitter powerbait. please note: the fish only had a "nub" not an adopose fin. Show
Rockroach 27.25 January 06, 2015 P1010226s thumb P1010228s thumb P1010230s thumb Great day with good company. Show
Abking 27.0 February 10, 2012 Mouth open in a natural  non yawning posture thumb Chromer thumb  Mad River hatchery steelhead caught on roe and a pill side drifted from my spot along a submerged log. Show
otobepelagic 26.0 January 31, 2012 Aoty1 thumb Aoty2 thumb Aoty3 thumb RR...SGPB Show
mako1 25.75 March 09, 2010 Imgp3863 thumb Imgp3864 thumb  One of two hooked on a plug. I couldn't get mouth shut and be backed up enough for whole body shot. I respect the judge's ruling if needed. She swam away strong. About 15 seconds from trough to release. Show
wdwrkr 25.5 January 09, 2010 Imgp3658 thumb Imgp3659 thumb Imgp3653 thumb North Coast Steelie caught on my favorite plug backtrolled down into a sweet little hole. Show
Abking 25.0 March 23, 2008 Twentyfive incher thumb Money shot thumb Happy fisherman thumb I know this isn't "by the book", but, honestly, I didn't want to mess with this fish more than I had to. It was exactly on my faded 25" mark, and I know the photos don't prove it. If there's ever a dispute I'll pull it. Show
HOLY TOLEDO 23.75 March 29, 2009 Headless thumb Buck trough thumb  Russian River on roe. Show
rockfish 21.25 February 17, 2011 021711 american river 21 25in steelhead jrm thumb 021711 american river s  9  thumb  Fishing with AuburnTroutDude. Rainy rainy windy windy windy and crazy cold Show
insearchoffish 18.0 July 06, 2014 Dscf4723 thumb Dscf4724 thumb Dscf4725 thumb Moke Show
beenfishin 17.75 December 02, 2017 Small thumb Small 2 thumb  Barge Hole, Sac River steelie. Show
ElefantDude 17.0 February 17, 2018 P1100867   copy thumb P1100866   copy thumb  Steelhead caught near Paradise Point in the California Delta with a Dynamic Lure J-Spec - Silver Show