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Data Charts for Abking


Listing All Accepted Entries for Abking (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Cabezon thumbCabezon 22.0
(176.0 pts)
July 17, 2024 Img 3458 thumb Img 3459 thumb Img 3460 thumb Gotta stay ahead of Yaady! 8>} Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 19.75
(158.0 pts)
July 05, 2024 Img 3225 thumb Img 3227 thumb Img 3228 thumb Lost Coast cabby - Domenic landed a 25.5"er this day too! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 21.5
(172.0 pts)
May 27, 2024 Img 2131 thumb Img 2137 thumb Img 2144 thumb Left the neck intact just for AOTY! This was on a guided trip, where the guide got the big rocky of the day. LOL Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 37.5
(187.5 pts)
June 08, 2023 Img 0889  2  thumb Img 0890  2  thumb Img 0893  2  thumb Humboldt County Lingcod Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 12.0
(144.0 pts)
August 04, 2022 Dscf6160  2  thumb   Chovy eater Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.5
(170.5 pts)
July 06, 2022 Dscf5844  2  thumb Dscf5847  2  thumb Dscf5849  2  thumb CPR greenie on a chove at the Cape. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 14.5
(174.0 pts)
June 20, 2021 Aoty victim took a big herring  thumb Dscf6441  2  thumb Dscf6443  2  thumb RTP took a sex herring while halibut fishing south of launch at Shelter Cove. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 23.0
(184.0 pts)
November 22, 2020 Img 7299  2  thumb Img 7298  2  thumb Img 7297  2  thumb Trinidad bait eater. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.6
(182.60000000000002 pts)
October 09, 2020 Dscf6445  2  thumb Dscf6451  2  thumb Dscf6455  2  thumb Greenie vs anchovy - it's still swimming. Still growing. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 21.5
(172.0 pts)
September 11, 2020 Dscf5402  2  thumb Dscf5405  2  thumb Dscf5412  2  thumb Big verm treated nicely and still swimming. Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 19.75
(177.75 pts)
August 01, 2019 Dscf4269  2  thumb Dscf4270  2  thumb Dscf4271  2  thumb Petrale was 20" if I had 3 hands. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 17.25
(189.75 pts)
June 26, 2019 Dscf4082  2  thumb Dscf4085  2  thumb Dscf4083  2  thumb Chove eater Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 29.0
(145.0 pts)
April 13, 2019 Dscf0758  2  thumb Dscf0759  2  thumb Dscf0760  2  thumb First king of the season - Shelter Cove opener. Released into my belly. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 22.25
(178.0 pts)
September 15, 2018 Dscf1611 thumb Dscf1609 thumb Dscf1612 thumb Open Shelter cab - released. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 18.5
(203.5 pts)
September 07, 2018 Dscf1515 thumb Dscf1512 thumb Dscf1511 thumb Huge greenling took an anchovy. I knew it was the biggest greenling I've ever seen before it hit the trough. Released. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 23.25
(186.0 pts)
August 15, 2018 Dscf1112 thumb Dscf1114 thumb Dscf1116 thumb Blackzilla Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 38.0
(190.0 pts)
July 17, 2018 Dscf4346 thumb Dscf4345 thumb Htverification thumb Avoided ripping the neck on this beast. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 14.75
(177.0 pts)
June 24, 2018 Dscf9843 thumb Dscf9846 thumb Dscf9847 thumb Bruiser attacked a chove Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.25
(178.75 pts)
May 06, 2018 Dscf9510 thumb Dscf9508 thumb Dscf9503 thumb CPR - might not meet photo standards - no prob if not. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 25.0
(200.0 pts)
November 02, 2017 Puffah thumb   Herring eater. Released. -Please mark hawg trough hash marks in the future. thanks, bmb Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 41.0
(205.0 pts)
September 30, 2016 Dscf1689 thumb Dscf1666 thumb  Piggy ate a herring in about 40' of water along the Lost Coast. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.5
(181.5 pts)
October 17, 2015 Dscf5781 thumb Dscf5780 thumb Dscf5779 thumb Shelter Cove greenie got latched onto by a 30"+ lingcod Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 20.0
(160.0 pts)
August 03, 2015 Dscf5033 thumb Dscf5032 thumb Dscf5031 thumb CPR cab along the Lost Coast Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 37.0
(185.0 pts)
August 03, 2015 Dscf5039 thumb Dscf5045 thumb Dscf5048 thumb Big hitchhiker bagged along the Lost Coast Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 34.0
(170.0 pts)
June 16, 2015 Dscf4014 thumb Dscf4013 thumb  Shelter Cove in nasty water. Swallowed a chove at 40 pulls in 70 feet of water. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.75
(173.25 pts)
June 02, 2015 Dscf3804 thumb   Not a great pic - it was right on 16, but I'm rounding down. Reject if necessary. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.5
(164.0 pts)
May 29, 2015 Dscf3664 thumb Dscf3663 thumb  Yellow tail rockfish - they're great biters and fighters. Shelter Cove on my b-day. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.0
(160.0 pts)
May 27, 2015 Dscf3642 thumb Some bycatch makes the dinner table thumb Dscf3641 thumb Caught on the barbless salmon trolling rig at Shelter Cove. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 25.0
(125.0 pts)
May 27, 2015 Dscf3643 thumb Dscf3644 thumb  Should be able to upgrade this at some point... Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.5
(170.5 pts)
May 15, 2015 Dscf5703 001 thumb   GS Pre-fish greenling hit the trolled anchovy. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 32.5
(162.5 pts)
April 04, 2015 Dscf2028 thumb   First salmon of the year. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 13.0
(156.0 pts)
December 29, 2013 Dscf1974 thumb   Why this fish never went on my total is a mystery... Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 14.75
(162.25 pts)
October 15, 2013 14.75 thumb 14.75 again thumb Mouth thumb Fatty took a herring. Lived to swim away. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 31.5
(157.5 pts)
October 05, 2013 31.5 thumb Mouth thumb Tail thumb Dead fish are easy to measure. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 30.25
(151.25 pts)
September 11, 2013 Ling laid out  thumb 30.25 is fair thumb  Trinidad ling - big hammer on Dom's jighead with a squid tipper. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 15.75
(126.0 pts)
August 25, 2013 Cab on the troll thumb Dscf0976 thumb Dscf0977 thumb Caught a bigger one but forgot to photo it... Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 36.75
(183.75 pts)
August 24, 2013 Dscf1004 thumb Dscf1003 thumb Dscf1006 thumb Shelter Cove trolling a chove Show
Laketrout thumbLake (Mackinaw) Trout 14.25
(85.5 pts)
July 31, 2013 Day 7 e   you ve been patient  and i owe this post some porn  thumb   Mackinaw at Tahoe while koke trolling Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 14.51
(159.60999999999999 pts)
July 31, 2013 Day 7 g   then it was time for mini salmon  thumb   One koke for the trip, and that's just fine. These fish have some of the most beautiful scales you'll see anywhere. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 21.875
(175.0 pts)
July 23, 2013 Dscf0472 thumb Dscf0477 thumb  Big copper caught and released at the Cape - would've beat the state record. Took a CC herring. Didn't give it back. Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 9.0
(108.0 pts)
May 01, 2013 9 inch closed mouth crappie thumb   Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 27.48
(137.4 pts)
April 19, 2013 Dscf9054 thumb Dscf9055 thumb Dscf9056 thumb This salmon should be out done by at least 10 inches before too long... Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.0
(160.0 pts)
October 08, 2012 Twenty mouth closed thumb Twenty mouth thumb  Two lips on the trough Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.5
(181.5 pts)
October 05, 2012 Beauty 16 point five greenie thumb Greenie sixteen point five thumb Greenie two lips thumb Lost Coast toad greenie took a 9"+ CC herring! Released. Beautiful yellow belly on this fish. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 36.5
(182.5 pts)
October 05, 2012 36 point 5 thumb Both lips thumb Coulda got more length out of it but not worth killing it for that thumb Fat Lady from the Lost Coast got to swim back down after a little lap love. Easy 20 pound fish. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.5
(156.0 pts)
September 13, 2012 Nineteen point five thumb Lips touching trough thumb  First rockfish retention for me this year. Fished big herring all day on a barbed Gamikatsu mooching slip rig behind a banana weight. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 34.7
(173.5 pts)
August 04, 2012 Thirty four seven thumb Lips thumb 34 point 7 thumb 20 pounder from offshore of Humboldt Bay. Came on the same rig that all my fish this year have: straight bait behind dodger and deepsix. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 14.5
(159.5 pts)
July 27, 2012 3 tahoe mini salmon thumb 33 fourteen point five thumb  Wedding ring behind a Sepp's mini behind a number zero deepsix that never got popped! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.9
(164.5 pts)
July 08, 2012 Dscf7865 thumb   Sorry for cheesy lack of photo evidence. Please nullify if that is proper. I have video specifically showing the length of this fish. Caught on a whole herring in 119' of water outside the Whistle Buoy at Shelter Cove. Released in good shape after using pliers to reach inside its mouth and extract a hook from its throat. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.75
(173.25 pts)
June 26, 2012 15.75 inch greenie thumb Strong thumb  Took Shrimp along the inner reach of the South Jetty of Humboldt Bay. Released strong. I have video showing the length of this fish very clearly. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 31.0
(155.0 pts)
May 19, 2012 Thirty one thumb Push those lips up against it thumb Trophy troughed at 31 even thumb Sweet eatin' size ling swallowed a sardine as its last meal. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.5
(140.0 pts)
May 12, 2012 Dscf5048 thumb   My scoring rockfish for GS6. Hopefully get this upgraded before long... Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 34.5
(172.5 pts)
April 10, 2012 Trophy trough second practice run success thumb   I have some other pics and a video. Straight bait behind a Luhr Jensen Herring Dodger and a DeepSix - 30 pulls out in 60 FOW on the way in after 4 hours of trolling sloppy conditions. I love the ocean and my buddies who go there with me. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 31.0
(155.0 pts)
April 07, 2012 31 inches 10 point 3 pounds thumb I told myself i d only use the trophy trough if it went over 30 inches thumb  Straight bait on opening day at Shelter Cove after 11 miles of trolling. Show
Steelhead thumbSteelhead 27.0
(162.0 pts)
February 10, 2012 Mouth open in a natural  non yawning posture thumb Chromer thumb  Mad River hatchery steelhead caught on roe and a pill side drifted from my spot along a submerged log. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 12.0
(144.0 pts)
January 29, 2012 I had another half inch if i left the mouth open in a naturally lame position thumb   Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 23.25
(186.0 pts)
August 18, 2011 Twenty three and a quarter with the mouth pinched closed thumb   Video still shot leaves much to be desired, but the fish was released after a quick ride on the trough. Took a chovie on a mooching rig in 70 fow a mile from my truck off of Humboldt County. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 34.5
(172.5 pts)
July 16, 2011 Dscf3418 thumb Dscf3415 thumb Dscf3416 thumb First salmon I've caught from the yak outside of Humboldt Bay - right where my Dad taught me when I was a kid. Good Times. Took a bare chove behind a DeepSix and silver flasher. 15 pounds. Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 42.0
(210.0 pts)
July 12, 2011 Terry s a man to have handled that 48 incher thumb   I'm not entering anything but PB's or other noteworthy catches. This was a pacific halibut I caught at Shelter Cove on a long solo salmon trolling mission in the fog where I could only manage a silver. I put a big herring on the bottom just south of the Whiss hooked to a barbless mooching rig and got this fish in the big net in 5 minutes. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 36.0
(180.0 pts)
September 03, 2010 Overall shot thumb Nose shot thumb Thirty six incher thumb OH F#@* YEAH!!! Shelter Cove on a WMA. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.5
(162.5 pts)
August 15, 2010 Overall live fish thumb Thirty two and a half thumb  Jigged up at the Cape in the wind. Released. Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 11.25
(101.25 pts)
August 11, 2010 P1010002 thumb P1010003 thumb  Dab from 120 FOW at the Cove. It ate my chove at the Cove... Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.25
(178.75 pts)
August 11, 2010 P1010006 thumb   Trolling a chovie at the Cove. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 21.0
(168.0 pts)
August 10, 2010 Aoty vacation upgrade thumb Dscf0852 thumb  21" vermillion from Bear Harbor hit a metal jig in 60 FOW along with a black that got the fly. Both released, but the verm didn't go down. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.75
(150.0 pts)
August 06, 2010 Dscf0752 thumb Dscf0753 thumb  Another dinky upgrade... Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.0
(128.0 pts)
August 04, 2010 Dscf0732 thumb   I am Mr. dinky upgrade! I've got the fever! Show
Trout thumbTrout 15.25
(118.1875 pts)
July 29, 2010 The trout that blessed me thumb   Beautiful trout C&R'd at a high Sierra lake after an epic battle over 5 days Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 14.5
(116.0 pts)
July 27, 2010 Probably not even the cheesiest aoty pic ever thumb   Pretty cheesy pic is taken with one camera from the LCD screen of another until I can find the cord to download... Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 12.0
(96.0 pts)
July 14, 2010 Abs first yakbass thumb Bass two lips thumb Bass twelve inch thumb I finally caught a bass from my kayak! ...and left plenty of room for upgrade! Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 17.75
(195.25 pts)
June 23, 2010 Greenie seventeen point seven five thumb Greenie mouth thumb Greenie tail thumb Big ol' fatty greenling that swallowed a chovie on the south side of the south jetty of Humboldt Bay. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 15.9
(127.2 pts)
June 23, 2010 Cab thumb Cab mouth thumb Cab tail thumb First cab of the year for me. South of the Dolos of the south jetty of Humboldt Bay. Took a chovie. CPR'd. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.0
(144.0 pts)
June 01, 2010 18 black thumb Black 18 thumb  I'm master of the dinky upgrade right now. 8>} Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 25.5
(127.5 pts)
May 31, 2010 Ling 25 and a half what planet am i on thumb Ling 25 five thumb Twilight fishing zone thumb I'm having a rough year, but it's fun as hell! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.5
(140.0 pts)
May 28, 2010 Black upgrade thumb Seventeen point five thumb  baby steps... Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 15.0
(120.0 pts)
May 18, 2010 Rockie15 thumb   Quite a bruiser, I know! Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 14.0
(154.0 pts)
May 18, 2010 Greenie14 thumb   Another bruiser... Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 25.0
(125.0 pts)
May 18, 2010 Ling25 thumb   On the board! Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 12.5
(150.0 pts)
April 27, 2010 Striped perch caught from the yak thumb Perch face thumb Perch tail thumb Whomped on shrimp at the Shelter Cove boat launch. Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 9.0
(81.0 pts)
March 22, 2010 Aoty obsession thumb The beast thumb What is it thumb Little flatfish caught in Humboldt Bay while perch fishing - maybe a speckled sand dab... Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 31.0
(155.0 pts)
August 12, 2009 Thirty one incher thumb Thirty one incher tail thumb Thirty one thumb At the mouth of the Klamath with a copper Cleo and single barbless hook. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 22.0
(176.0 pts)
July 03, 2009 Rockfish22 thumb Rockfish 22mouth thumb  This ancient copper was huge - fat and tall. I thought it was a nice ling. It took the big Panther Martin trout in about 50 FOW. Released to live another 100 years... Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 34.5
(172.5 pts)
July 03, 2009 Ling thirty four point five thumb Lingtail thumb Need longer arms thumb This ling was a bruiser for how short it was! It took the same Panther Martin rubber fish that the giant copper took. And it too was released. Biggest green lingcod I've caught. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 33.25
(166.25 pts)
May 29, 2009 Thirty three and a quarter ling thumb Ling head thumb Ling tail thumb First ling of the day. Caught it on MattS's 8 oz. lead-head with a big green Berkley tail. Released after the photo session. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.5
(164.0 pts)
May 29, 2009 Twenty and one half inch verm thumb Verm mouth thumb Verm tail thumb Big verm, but I thought it was bigger! Caught on MattS's 8 oz. lead-head with big green Berkley tail. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.5
(164.0 pts)
May 17, 2009 Abblack1 thumb Abblack2 thumb  Big black caught right when Al fell in the drink at the Cove. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 23.5
(188.0 pts)
May 16, 2009 Abscab1 thumb Abscab2 thumb Abscab3 thumb Big cab caught on tournee day out at the Bell with Dom, Ariel, Pete and Padre. It took the huge ass Panther Martin rubber trout with two hooks that I got for $2.99 on closeout. 8>} Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.0
(160.0 pts)
May 16, 2009 Abkings ling 32a thumb Abkings ling 32b thumb Abkings ling 32c thumb 32 inch ling took a small blue that was double-lip hooked to my leadhead. Won me a new PFD at GS3. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 23.4999
(187.9992 pts)
December 27, 2008 23 and a half inch cab thumb Cab mouth closed thumb Cab tail thumb To avoid a tie and because I won a different species, this one goes to Bungle. 8>} Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 39.0
(195.0 pts)
May 26, 2008 39 inch ling on land thumb 39 inch ling photo and witness by hawk thumb 39 inch ling onboard thumb 39" ling caught on a 6.5 oz. Dorado Megabait with a squid tipper. Too bad they're easier to measure dead. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.0
(160.0 pts)
May 18, 2008 Redtwentyincher thumb   20" red caught in the Pacific Ocean within contest boundaries and according to contest rules. 8>} Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.5
(156.0 pts)
May 10, 2008 Red nineteen and a half thumb Redtail thumb  Vermillion from the Cape. I think it hit the lavender Megabait - check the video! 8>} Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.0
(160.0 pts)
May 10, 2008 Ling thirty two thumb   I need a bigger Hawg Trough! Show
Steelhead thumbSteelhead 25.0
(150.0 pts)
March 23, 2008 Twentyfive incher thumb Money shot thumb Happy fisherman thumb I know this isn't "by the book", but, honestly, I didn't want to mess with this fish more than I had to. It was exactly on my faded 25" mark, and I know the photos don't prove it. If there's ever a dispute I'll pull it. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 23.5
(188.0 pts)
August 29, 2007 Dsc08573red23andahalf thumb Dsc08574redtailshot thumb Dsc08575redheadshot thumb I don't have a large caliper made for slimy fish - believe me, I wish I did! These shots are 1) overview; 2) tail from directly above; and 3) head from directly above. I don't think it's precise enough to call it 23.5"+, so 23.5 it is. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 16.0
(128.0 pts)
August 12, 2007 Dsc08396cabbiesixteen thumb   Finally a legal cab! Took a gray and white 6" swim bait on a 6 oz. leadhead. Got to swim away with a sore lip. 50 FOW near Cape Mendocino. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 23.0
(184.0 pts)
August 12, 2007 Dsc08387rockietwentythree thumb Dsc08387rockietwentythreehead thumb Dsc08387rockietwentythreetail thumb Took an 8" blue split tail with a white fringe on a 6 oz. leadhead near Cape Mendocino. Released. Show
Trout thumbTrout 14.2857
(110.714175 pts)
July 29, 2007 Dsc0809514point3mack thumb   Hoping for the big mack, but it's a start! Lake Tahoe - just south of DL Bliss State Park beach in 175' of water, jigging a huge ass tuna jig that looked like only a big ling would like it! Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 35.5
(177.5 pts)
July 13, 2007 Dsc07804aoty thumb Dsc07805headshot thumb Dsc07806tailshot thumb 21 pounder caught with Hawk 3.5 miles SW of Trinidad in 150 FOW with a chovie on a slip rig behind a dodger and a double Deepsix at 70 pulls. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 39.0
(195.0 pts)
June 20, 2007 Dsc0727539incher thumb Dsc07274tailshot thumb Dsc07275headshot thumb Big ling from The Cape. I have several shots and crops including showing the tape not moving in relation to the dorsal spines in 4 shots in a row, but these are taken holding the camera up over my lap before weighing and releasing, the quality's not great - luckily the ling held still. Hawk took quite a few shots, so hopefully he can turn me on to some better shots to put on here. 23.5 pounds. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 30.0
(150.0 pts)
March 05, 2007 Dsc05583thirtyincher thumb Dsc05585aoyking thumb  Caught on the solo-troll March 5 near the Whistle at Shelter Cove. 10#, 30 inches. Show
