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Data Charts for Pacific Halibut

Pachali medium

Listing All Entries for Pacific Halibut from Largest to Smallest

Angler Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
crash 49.25 August 05, 2018 18.08.05 pachali thumb   I have lots more pics bmb, let me know what you need. Show
Matanaska 49.0 August 15, 2013 Dscf2075 thumb Dscf2076 thumb Dscf2072 thumb 260ft in Trinidad Show
Matanaska 48.75 September 13, 2013 Dscf2325 thumb Dscf2326 thumb Dscf2327 thumb 6th halibut of the year. 2nd 50lber and 3rd biggest off my yak. Show
MarkL 43.75 July 28, 2023 Img 5195 thumb Img 5193 thumb Img 5193 thumb Only way I had to measure was with two 36” measuring boards with one backwards. Show
Matanaska 43.5 October 09, 2014 20141009 211919 thumb 20141009 212028 thumb 20141009 145621 thumb Show
MattSwayze 43.0 September 03, 2017 Pacificbutt thumb Awwwyeahhhh thumb Slaughterhouse thumb Big Butt in 190ft off Trinidad, long time coming! Show
Matanaska 42.25 May 09, 2015 20150509 205945 zpsjsclat6p thumb Img 20150518 44506 thumb  1st of 2015 more to come... Show
Matanaska 40.5 July 04, 2022 22fb12fe 5df2 4828 bc04 d0f5c796922f thumb 9114100f a98d 4bd6 bd04 576b4b64b1f0 thumb  240ft on live sand dab 5.5 miles out Show
Poopsmith 40.25 July 09, 2023 20230709 200919 thumb 20230709 200922 thumb 20230709 200927 thumb Just a hair over 40" first yak pac hali! (gut hooked leader was stuck inside) Show
Matanaska 40.0 July 05, 2014 20140705 222258 thumb 20140705 222334 thumb  1 of 2 caught the same day in Trinidad. A good eating chicken size. Show
Big Buoy 39.5 July 11, 2014 Pacific halibut 7 11 14 042 thumb Pacific halibut 7 11 14 043 thumb Pacific halibut 7 11 14 018 thumb First Pacific halibut, Fuck Yeah!!! Show
racinrob 37.5 September 14, 2014 Imgp1671 thumb Imgp1674 thumb  Show
Big Buoy 37.5 August 05, 2018 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Super stoked third year in a row catching this species! We travel 4-6 miles from launch to obtain this species at Trinidad and spent 10 hours on the water. Many trips you come up blank with nothing. So when someone is lucky enough to get one from a kayak at Trinidad, it is a great accomplishment. Show
Matanaska 37.5 August 10, 2018 20180810 191606 thumb   Show
Matanaska 37.0 July 05, 2014 20140705 132628 thumb 20140705 132649 thumb 20140705 132654 thumb Released to keep the bigger of the two. Not the best picture, but you try lifting a live halibut in your lap to get an "AOTY" pic then releasing. Show
MattSwayze 37.0 June 15, 2017 Pachali thumb Halibut thumb  First decent Pacific Halibut, somewhere around 20lbs. Show
Matanaska 35.5 September 15, 2016 20160915 164225 thumb 20160915 150909 thumb  Show
Matanaska 32.75 August 02, 2018 20180803 181010 thumb   Upgrade coming next week 45-55" Show
Big Buoy 31.0 September 04, 2017 Kimg0347 thumb   Caught and released. Did not have an extender, easily 35". They were biting and I wanted to keep fishing. Show
Poopsmith 30.5 July 06, 2024 20240706 191456 thumb   lil chicken Show
MattSwayze 26.25 September 22, 2016 Littlepacbutt thumb   My first Pacific Halibut, he was hooked bad and the weather was bad so he came home, pay no attention to the tape measure, just the trough. Show