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Data Charts for AlsHobieOutback


Listing All Accepted Entries for AlsHobieOutback (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Panfish thumbPanfish 12.0
(144.0 pts)
January 01, 2024 20240101 165029 thumb 20240101 170309 thumb  Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 15.75
(173.25 pts)
May 23, 2023 20230523 102004 thumb 20230523 194755 thumb  Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 11.25
(123.75 pts)
May 13, 2023 20230513 091444 thumb   Great weekend FnChilling at Bullards with NCKA crew Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 10.75
(96.75 pts)
April 29, 2023 20230429 074318 thumb 20230429 074324 thumb 20230429 074328 thumb Tasty lil guy! Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 30.0
(157.5 pts)
December 28, 2012 Lake san antonio 12 28 12 010 thumb Lake san antonio 12 28 12 011 thumb Lake san antonio 12 28 12 012 thumb Caught this bycatch while looking for SMB at LSA. Caught dropshotting a nightcrawler on 6lb test! Show
Trout thumbTrout 24.0001
(186.000775 pts)
December 17, 2012 December aoty pics 014 thumb December aoty pics 016 thumb December aoty pics 017 thumb 3/4 Inch Upgrade... wooohooooooo! Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 13.001
(156.012 pts)
December 10, 2012 December aoty pics 001 thumb December aoty pics 002 thumb December aoty pics 003 thumb Finally a GD Perch, but not very big. It's bigger than Pat's though haha. Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 30.5
(167.75 pts)
November 19, 2012 Cl 11 18 19 12 062 thumb Cl 11 18 19 12 063 thumb Cl 11 18 19 12 064 thumb First EVER Catfish from my kayak, Largest FW Fish I have ever caught on the yak as well! Thanks Craig!!! :-) Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 10.5
(126.0 pts)
October 01, 2012 New melones 10 1 10 2 026 thumb New melones 10 1 10 2 027 thumb New melones 10 1 10 2 028 thumb My FIRST GD Crappie in 20+ years! A bit small, but i'm still very proud to catch it! Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 40.0
(200.0 pts)
September 19, 2012 Sc 9 19 12 026 thumb Sc 9 19 12 027 thumb Sc 9 19 12 028 thumb PB Butt caught on a white swimbait! Show
White seabass thumbWhite Seabass 52.25
(209.0 pts)
August 28, 2012 Sc rtm wsb 8 28 2012 038 thumb Sc rtm wsb 8 28 2012 039 thumb Sc rtm wsb 8 28 2012 042 thumb Finally, a WSB without a sail! Picked up this and a smaller one out in Santa Cruz with the fleet in 65 FOW. First time out on an RTM K-Largo! Thanks for letting me try it out Spike! Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 35.0
(175.0 pts)
August 23, 2012 Sc 8 23 12 005 thumb Sc 8 23 12 006 thumb Sc 8 23 12 007 thumb Hunting for WSB four days straight and all I got was a few halibut. Still, first upgrade in a whle, and it feels good!! Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 34.25
(171.25 pts)
July 18, 2012 Mbk ai isl salmon 7 18 12 048 thumb Mbk ai isl salmon 7 18 12 050 thumb Mbk ai isl salmon 7 18 12 049 thumb My First Salmon! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 28.5
(142.5 pts)
June 16, 2012 Timber cove 6 16 12 040  medium  thumb Timber cove 6 16 12 041  medium  thumb Timber cove 6 16 12 042  medium  thumb Timber Cove, on a Big Hammer given to me by Craig! Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 30.0
(150.0 pts)
May 28, 2012 Sc butt hunt 5 28 12 014 thumb Sc butt hunt 5 28 12 015 thumb Sc butt hunt 5 28 12 016 thumb First Butt of the year at the SC Butt Hunt on a Bighammer Swimbait! Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.25
(167.75 pts)
May 12, 2012 Gs6 2012 054  medium  thumb Gs6 2012 055  medium  thumb Gs6 2012 056  medium  thumb Camera's a bit blurry, and I wanted to release him quick so took three quick pics and set em free. Took an anchovie on a shrimp fly?? Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 16.25
(130.0 pts)
May 12, 2012 Gs6 2012 059  medium  thumb Gs6 2012 061  medium  thumb Gs6 2012 060  medium  thumb Tasty black brought in on a 6" Big Hammer at GS6 for the taco shack! Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 22.01
(176.08 pts)
May 12, 2012 Gs6 2012 062  medium  thumb Gs6 2012 063  medium  thumb Gs6 2012 064  medium  thumb My PB Cabbie caught at GS6 on a 12" rootbeer scampi tail swim bait on a 8oz lead head. Thought for SURE it was a ling!!! Andy fried it whole in his fryer for the A-HULLS camp and it was incredibly good. Two octopus were found in the stomach for later use as bait! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 23.0
(115.0 pts)
May 01, 2012 Stillwater 5 1 12 029 thumb Stillwater 5 1 12 030 thumb Stillwater 5 1 12 031 thumb First fish of the RF season! Not huged, but made a great dinner! More to come at GS6!!! Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 13.5
(121.5 pts)
April 07, 2012 New melones 4 7 4 8 044 thumb New melones 4 7 4 8 042 thumb New melones 4 7 4 8 043 thumb New Melones Spotted Bass, caught drop shotting in 15fow by the dam. Yeah, not very big, but i'll take it haha. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 22.0
(176.0 pts)
March 03, 2012 Calero 3 3 12 016 thumb Calero 3 3 12 017 thumb Calero 3 3 12 018 thumb Fish number 3, not too shabby! Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 16.25
(146.25 pts)
February 20, 2012  Lake san antonio 2 20 12 015 thumb Lake san antonio 2 20 12 016 thumb My second fish for the year. Dropshotting at Lake San Antonio on Presidents day. Will upgrade...Hopefully ;) Show
Trout thumbTrout 23.25
(180.1875 pts)
February 12, 2012 First trout of 2012 resized  2  thumb First trout of 2012 resized  3  thumb First trout of 2012 resized thumb First fish of 2012, not a bad way to start the year 6 weeks late... Show
Trout thumbTrout 24.0
(186.0 pts)
December 31, 2011 Shadowcliffs 12 31 11 1393 thumb Shadowcliffs 12 31 11 1395 thumb Shadowcliffs 12 31 11 1394 thumb Well, I gave it my best shot, but looks like i'll have to try again next year! Congrads to all the AOTY participants, and look forward to fishing with you again next year!!! Happy New Years!!! Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 16.5
(148.5 pts)
December 29, 2011 Berryessa 12 29  23   medium  thumb Berryessa 12 29  25   medium  thumb Berryessa 12 29  24   medium  thumb Caught on Lake Berryessa dropshotting a 4" worm! First upgrade in many MANY months! Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 17.5
(157.5 pts)
December 29, 2011 Berryessa 12 29  29   medium  thumb Berryessa 12 29  31   medium  thumb Berryessa 12 29  30   medium  thumb Doing my hail mary run for 2011, caught at the Berry, trolling a Hopkins spoon on my paddle back to the launch! Upgrades are upgrades!!! HOPEFULLY this isn't my last one ;) Tomorrow here I come! Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 13.75
(151.25 pts)
May 28, 2011 Kokanee  3  thumb Kokanee  2  thumb Kokanee thumb 12 in six months is not a bad start! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 27.75
(138.75 pts)
May 01, 2011 Sws may 1st 2011 051 thumb Sws may 1st 2011 047 thumb Sws may 1st 2011 049 thumb I'm on Cloud 9! =D Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.0
(136.0 pts)
May 01, 2011 Sws may 1st 2011 044 thumb Sws may 1st 2011 045 thumb Sws may 1st 2011 046 thumb Number 10!!!!!!!!!! Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 13.75
(151.25 pts)
May 01, 2011 Sws may 1st 2011 031 thumb Sws may 1st 2011 029 thumb Sws may 1st 2011 030 thumb Number Eleven! Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 10.0
(90.0 pts)
April 23, 2011 Mbk 4 23 011 thumb Mbk 4 23 012 thumb Mbk 4 23 013 thumb Number 8...Not So Great... Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 13.5
(162.0 pts)
April 16, 2011 Perchin  2  thumb Perchin thumb Perchin  3  thumb Lucky Number 7! Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 14.25
(128.25 pts)
April 01, 2011  Lake berryessa slam 4 1 2 2011 207  small  thumb  Not big, but my first spot! Number 6 it is... Show
Trout thumbTrout 17.75
(137.5625 pts)
February 27, 2011 Ldp 2 27 11 015 thumb Ldp 2 27 11 016 thumb Ldp 2 27 11 017 thumb FINALLY Got a Trout! @ LDP on some trout crack ;( But hey, thats number 4 and i'll takem how ever I can =D Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 15.25
(76.25 pts)
February 27, 2011 Ldp 2 27 11 021 thumb Ldp 2 27 11 022 thumb Ldp 2 27 11 023 thumb Hey, it's my first salmon EVER! Caught on a dodger needlefish type setup @ LDP. Number 5, hitting my stride baby!!! Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 16.75
(150.75 pts)
February 22, 2011 Lake san antonio 2 21 11 074  small  thumb Lake san antonio 2 21 11 075  small  thumb Lake san antonio 2 21 11 076  small  thumb Lake San Antonio 2-21-11 Caught Dropshotting in a cove. Number Three! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 19.5
(156.0 pts)
January 26, 2011 1st bass 2011  small  thumb 1st bass 2011  2   small  thumb 1st bass 2011  3   small  thumb 1st Bass of 2011! Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 20.5
(107.625 pts)
January 17, 2011    First fish of the year! Not bad for the Forebay! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 20.0
(160.0 pts)
December 31, 2010 Shadow cliffs 12 31 10  2  thumb Shadow cliffs 12 31 10  3  thumb Shadow cliffs 12 31 10 thumb Hail Mary run for 12-31-10, and my last entry for the year! =) Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 20.5
(107.625 pts)
December 23, 2010 Forebay 12 23 10 037 thumb Forebay 12 23 10 038 thumb Forebay 12 23 10 039 thumb Solo on the Forebay using shad raps and x-raps Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 12.001
(132.011 pts)
October 09, 2010 Greenling thumb Greenling  2  thumb Greenling  3  thumb Was that 13?? Finally caught a greenling. yay. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 18.001
(144.008 pts)
October 09, 2010 Cabbie  3  thumb Cabbie  2  thumb Cabbie thumb No, not huge, but an upgrade is an upgrade ;) Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 9.25
(111.0 pts)
September 25, 2010 Tiki lagoon 9 25 10 020  small  thumb Tiki lagoon 9 25 10 021  small  thumb  well, I upgraded, but not to what I was hoping for... fought like mad on my UL rod though! Only got one good pic, as it stuck me in the hand and jumped overboard as I snapped the second pic... Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 13.0
(117.0 pts)
September 19, 2010 Ldv fnc 9 17   19 2010 129 thumb Ldv fnc 9 17   19 2010 130 thumb Ldv fnc 9 17   19 2010 131 thumb LDV FNC 2010 Caught on Rapala Tail Dancer trolling back to the launch from camp. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 30.0
(150.0 pts)
September 11, 2010 Fort ross aotd 9 11 10 045 thumb Fort ross aotd 9 11 10 047 thumb Fort ross aotd 9 11 10 046 thumb Fort Ross AOTD 30" Ling, MPB! Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 6.25
(75.0 pts)
September 04, 2010    Pretty sad... Hopefully I can upgrade. But what the heck, thats my number 12 ;) Show
White seabass thumbWhite Seabass 41.0
(164.0 pts)
August 25, 2010 Mbk wsb hunt 8 21 and 8 24 041 thumb Mbk wsb hunt 8 21 and 8 24 042 thumb Mbk wsb hunt 8 21 and 8 24 043 thumb MBK WSB! My first and BIGGEST fish ever! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 26.0
(130.0 pts)
August 08, 2010 Ling head thumb Ling whole thumb Ling tail thumb MBK Derby 8/8/2010 - First legal ling of the year for me, and my 10th AOTY entry! Show
Flounder thumbFlatfish 8.75
(78.75 pts)
August 07, 2010    MBK Saturday 8/7/2010 Sand Dab Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 29.0
(145.0 pts)
July 24, 2010 Mbk 7 24 25 2010 021 thumb Mbk 7 24 25 2010 022 thumb Mbk 7 24 25 2010 017 thumb MBK Hali, first of 2010! Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 16.0
(128.0 pts)
July 09, 2010 Smc 7 9 10 070 thumb Smc 7 9 10 071 thumb Smc 7 9 10 072 thumb SMC 7-9-10 Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.0
(144.0 pts)
May 01, 2010 Rfwhole thumb Rfhead thumb Rftail thumb SWC Opening Day - 1st RF of 2010, and only bite for the day for me. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 12.0
(108.0 pts)
April 24, 2010 Ldp smb 1 thumb Ldp smb 2 thumb Ldp smb 3 thumb Lake Don Pedro, trolling a J9 Orange Firetiger Rapala. First bass I ever caught while trolling! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.0
(128.0 pts)
April 16, 2010 Calero 16in bass1 thumb Calero 16in bass 2 thumb Calero 16in bass3 thumb Calero, on a minnow. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 15.0
(180.0 pts)
March 28, 2010 Perch full thumb Perch head thumb Perch tail thumb Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 13.0
(104.0 pts)
February 13, 2010    Forebay on a drop shot! Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 18.5
(97.125 pts)
February 13, 2010    Forebay on a Minnow Rap Show
Trout thumbTrout 21.5
(166.625 pts)
January 03, 2010  Misc 088 thumb Misc 089 thumb Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 25.0
(125.0 pts)
May 29, 2009 Santa cruz 5 29 09 027  large  thumb Santa cruz 5 29 09 028  large  thumb Santa cruz 5 29 09 029  large  thumb Caught on frozen squid out of SC harbor. My First Hali of 2009! Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 19.0
(152.0 pts)
May 17, 2009 Cab01  large  thumb Cab02  large  thumb  Caught at GMS III Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 21.0
(168.0 pts)
May 17, 2009 Red01  large  thumb Red02  large  thumb  Caught at GMS III Show
