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Data Charts for rory


Listing All Accepted Entries for rory (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Lingcod thumbLingcod 24.0
(120.0 pts)
June 21, 2008 Imgp0214 resize thumb Imgp0212 resize thumb Imgp0213 resize thumb My first time on the ocean, in a kayak, and caught a ling cod!!! Caught on a large lead jig with a root beer rubber. Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 29.0
(152.25 pts)
April 20, 2008 Imgp0164  2  resize thumb Imgp0166  2  resize thumb Imgp0171 resize thumb Caught at Lake Mendocino on minnow. Released unharmed. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 15.5
(139.5 pts)
April 19, 2008 Imgp0158  2  resize thumb Imgp0157  2  resize thumb Imgp0159  2  resize thumb Lake Mendocino cuaght on a minnow. Great pics and released unharmed. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 15.0
(75.0 pts)
April 09, 2008 Imgp0117 resize thumb Imgp0116 resize thumb Imgp0121 resize thumb Trolling a pink Hoochie behind a dodger at Lake Berryessa Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 19.5
(156.0 pts)
February 29, 2008 Imgp0080 resize thumb Imgp0081 resize thumb P2290020 resize thumb Caught at Clear Lake on a live minnow. Hope this is a good pic. Will do a lot better on the next on. Show
