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Data Charts for RosevilleYak


Listing All Accepted Entries for RosevilleYak (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 14.5
(116.0 pts)
February 08, 2022 5dacc17d 11ec 4e8c 8ff9 9a8745191d05 thumb   Caught this on a troll for trout. Not really a bass guy but I think this is a largemouth? Show
Trout thumbTrout 17.5
(135.625 pts)
February 07, 2022 5faaeff7 04e0 4302 b745 bd487adfd16e thumb D2d62ccf 69ed 4a07 bd34 97a65b45668e thumb Eddcbc47 2710 4451 8681 02bf68e3b76a thumb Nice trout on the troll Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 0.0
(0.0 pts)
January 24, 2022 6f243694 85d7 4cab aa19 26d953b4fbf7 thumb 2ed24b18 cd7e 4d9e a387 ff8c5175ef1b thumb  Got this one hooked up while trolling for Kokanee. Was a fun battle with my ultra light rod and released it safely afterwards. As i did not register yet for AOTY I did not take measurements and only saw afterwards that there was no register needed. Not sure how big it was so just entered 24 inches. but maybe I can get some credit or at least get my first bigger spotty logged? Ok if less. This is on a Hobie compass and these are my skinny legs for visual. Also wanted to release it and get in water as quickly as possible NOTE: Approved at 0 inches so it will still show up on your catch list (for posterity), but it will not counts towards the competition. Show
Trout thumbTrout 18.25
(141.4375 pts)
October 16, 2021 C9fea78d a101 4375 a73e 6230519161ee thumb A781c89d af29 4120 a786 d4cc29601c30 thumb 020e0ce6 a506 450e 8654 f4d6600541a2 thumb Show
Trout thumbTrout 14.0
(108.5 pts)
April 23, 2021 A43833b2 8577 4ed3 9790 207d2f831cfb thumb D135a185 e0fa 41e5 838b 4fc0ed4388b8 thumb  Slow day. But at least one for entry Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 15.75
(173.25 pts)
March 28, 2021 E618148f 1be9 4891 aaa2 acfe8b1d7c73 thumb Bf67bac6 a97c 46ea 86b6 55e6eb9e3c19 thumb E13852cf 0f21 4155 a162 397caa5dd017 thumb Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 19.0
(95.0 pts)
February 22, 2021 049d4215 c6fd 4cfd bd1c 18d83e4c9f9f thumb 436530bc a5b3 41f2 b3dc cf8d4be3b881 thumb  Show
Browntrout thumbBrown Trout 15.25
(118.1875 pts)
October 10, 2020 B1317cd8 81d3 4b60 a20f 6df11518d915 thumb A0647201 3a16 4918 bd4f fc348de7c197 thumb  Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 32.0
(160.0 pts)
September 17, 2020 99bab280 1423 4972 9de9 6b07a16afcfb thumb 4224fd57 c112 462f aa4f 3c1e224eebdf thumb E43d29c7 350b 4e61 b425 71ae342126d6 thumb First trip for river salmon this year. Only one bite on way in. But all that mattered. Launched at Hogback Island launch with is now free as it always gets broken into. Very shallow water though. Show
Laketrout thumbLake (Mackinaw) Trout 17.5
(105.0 pts)
August 29, 2020 8a483219 4fcb 41d3 8f59 68ca3cd7d7ed thumb Afe686f7 1b29 4d1c 90c0 0e84c60047da thumb  Caught a few lake trout. This one the largest. Show
Trout thumbTrout 16.25
(125.9375 pts)
August 29, 2020 F4f6cff9 f28a 4f60 9728 6bc8a07bfd60 thumb 6771556f eefd 4c95 8975 386489a61d49 thumb 33bdb2c1 bbee 40aa a110 ebd4ac5041b2 thumb Caught nice rainbow trout when Kokanee fishing. Show
Trout thumbTrout 15.25
(118.1875 pts)
June 07, 2020 Ad0c0299 ff6a 4864 bd12 16bb00780875 thumb 45cf760e e6d6 4d82 898a e99261925d07 thumb  Nothing too big. But as my Collins lake trout came during Covid hiatus this is largest trout this year so far for me Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 23.0
(115.0 pts)
March 06, 2020 789cda8a 7382 4984 929a 018ad5f66998 thumb B8e1c171 4e84 45d6 9f2c b904d1a04604 thumb 69fe0ed8 a596 427d 8d06 35492a8da234 thumb My second landlocked King Salmon on Folsom Lake. Fun 4 pounds on Kokanee rod. Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 22.0
(115.5 pts)
January 20, 2020 5776364b 5c42 4371 b4d3 c89dc4778991 thumb B33f66f2 9171 4b6f 8bd4 a1447b9680e5 thumb F8c805dc a8c2 4852 acfe 551bf194de5e thumb First striper of the year. Nothing huge but a start. Hopefully I don’t forget to post my catches this year on time Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 12.25
(134.75 pts)
April 21, 2019 F990f8db 580f 49a4 bb2f 588d9cbca14b thumb 7dc2c788 8184 4c80 92fe 14a2b6c110f1 thumb  Trolling in my kayak. First time Kokanee fishing with a downrigger. Fun. Caught 4. This was the largest. Not record breaking but at least I get a fish approved this time? Show
