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Data Charts for Big J


Listing All Accepted Entries for Big J (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Trout thumbTrout 15.5
(120.125 pts)
January 20, 2008 Imgp0619 big j and yellowboat thumb Imgp0628 trout1 thumb Imgp0627 trout3 thumb Again, taken at Lake Del Valle with a Seps Rasberry UltraViolet 4/0 dodger and a nightcrawler on a #4 aberdeen hook Show
Trout thumbTrout 14.5
(112.375 pts)
January 13, 2008 Imgp0585 del valle trout thumb Imgp0601 trout 20080113 thumb Imgp0603 trout 20080113 thumb Taken at Lake Del Valle with a Seps Rasberry UltraViolet 4/0 dodger and a nightcrawler on a #4 aberdeen hook Show
