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Data Charts for Riverwatcher LT


Listing All Accepted Entries for Riverwatcher LT (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Lingcod thumbLingcod 28.25
(141.25 pts)
October 21, 2018 Ling 28.25 thumb Had to dodge a whale with this on my lap thumb  I boated this ling with a whale coming right at me. The whale was 10-20 yards away when I finally had the ling in the net and began to paddle away from the whale. I thought I was anyway, then the darn thing went right under me, the turbulence from its fluke disabled my ability to maneuver. Sketchy few moments before putting the ling on my stringer. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 13.75
(151.25 pts)
October 20, 2018 Kelp greenling female thumb   Opposite of the prediction this was an epic high seas day, broke a paddle on the launch. GWS tracked Norm and me for a bit that day. This little fish took a 3 inch jig I use in Loreto for Pargo and Cabrilla. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 12.75
(102.0 pts)
October 20, 2018 China rockfish thumb   Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 14.25
(114.0 pts)
October 20, 2018 Black rockfish thumb   Sorry about the bad picture. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 33.75
(168.75 pts)
October 13, 2018 Chinook 33 plus thumb In the net thumb Fish at take out thumb Taken spinfishing from the yak on a 7/8 oz. Flying C: blue/silver blade, yellow body, 10lb. Tatsu Fluro leader 12lb. Nanofil backing, on a Lamiglas 7'9" X11 MS, and Shimano CS500 reel. 1/2 hour fight with some tuna circles mid fight and plenty of breaching between runs. Old smoker had some fight, and wore me out. Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 26.5
(139.125 pts)
August 12, 2018 562f634a c952 448c bcf2 666359eca234 thumb   Had to dig deep in one of the big pools with a shad rap. Lots of other striped bass caught today on countdown rapalla and shallow diving shad raps. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 17.5
(157.5 pts)
February 07, 2018 Spot 02072018 thumb Spot 02072018 thumb  It's warming up! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 15.0
(120.0 pts)
February 05, 2018 Img 3318 thumb   I got the mouth closed on this one fellas. Show
Trout thumbTrout 15.0
(116.25 pts)
October 06, 2016 15.1 rbt thumb 15.1 rbt b thumb  Put and take fishery....... Show
