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Data Charts for p-sherman


Listing All Accepted Entries for p-sherman (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Trout thumbTrout 24.0
(186.0 pts)
February 01, 2020 Shadow20200201a thumb   Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.0
(136.0 pts)
July 14, 2019 Img 3361 thumb   Carmel, CA Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.0
(160.0 pts)
July 14, 2019 Img 3366 thumb   Originally over 33 inches but I forgot to take a photo while on the kayak. Shrank after putting it in ice. :( Under review by committee - Next time a better picture pls :) -1" mouth not closed. This came close to group rejecting due to fish measurement. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 12.0
(96.0 pts)
July 14, 2019 Img 3374 thumb   Carmel, CA Show
Trout thumbTrout 12.0
(93.0 pts)
March 16, 2019 Shadow20190316 a thumb   Show
Trout thumbTrout 18.0
(139.5 pts)
March 18, 2017 Shadow2017 03 18  1  thumb   Show
Trout thumbTrout 21.5
(166.625 pts)
March 18, 2017 Shadow2017 03 18  2  thumb   Show
Trout thumbTrout 24.0
(186.0 pts)
February 25, 2017 Shadow2017 02 25  0  thumb   Shadow Cliffs - downgrade to 24" from claimed size of 25.5" based upon Posing Rule for mouth open. Please contact AOTY committee with any questions or if you have any pictures showing fish with mouth closed. -bmb Show
Trout thumbTrout 16.5
(127.875 pts)
February 25, 2017 Shadow2017 02 25  1  thumb   Reduction of 1.5" from claimed length due to Posing Rule. Please contact the AOTY committee with any questions or if you have pictures of fish with mouth closed. -bmb Show
Trout thumbTrout 16.75
(129.8125 pts)
February 25, 2017 Shadow2017 02 25  3  thumb   Reduction of 1.5" from claimed length due to Posing Rule. Please contact the AOTY committee with any questions or if you have pictures of fish with mouth closed. -bmb Show
Trout thumbTrout 15.5
(120.125 pts)
February 25, 2017 Shadow2017 02 25  4  thumb   Shadow Cliffs Cannot verify fish meets 17" hash mark based upon resolution of pictures. as such, downgrade to 16.75". Additional reduction of 1.5" from length due to Posing Rule, thus approved 15.5". Please contact the AOTY committee with any questions or if you have pictures of fish with mouth closed. -bmb Show
