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Data Charts for Nowhere


Listing All Accepted Entries for Nowhere (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Salmon thumbSalmon 34.0
(170.0 pts)
July 25, 2019 Img 2840 thumb Img 2841 thumb  EDIT: glitch with date...this is an old entry. Caught in 80 fow straight out (and slightly east) from the harbor. Weighed 18.3 pounds. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.0
(152.0 pts)
July 24, 2019 Img 2871 thumb   Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.5
(140.0 pts)
September 02, 2018 Img 2073 thumb   approved per bmb - system glitch with original submission. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 35.75
(178.75 pts)
August 04, 2018 Img 2015 thumb Img 2016 thumb 08042018yak thumb Caught on the west side of Santa Cruz (where else?) ___________________ Tail does not quite appear to hit 36" mark. Downgraded to 35.75" through committee vote - bmb Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 45.5
(227.5 pts)
June 29, 2018 Img 1930 54 thumb Img 1932 51 thumb Img 4462 75 thumb Caught on the west side. Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 32.0
(160.0 pts)
June 19, 2018 Img 1899 thumb Img 1900 thumb Img 4334 thumb Caught on the west side of SC. Btw, it was measured by the fish survey people at the dock, which explains the nonstandard measuring board. Show
