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Data Charts for Cod Almighty


Listing All Accepted Entries for Cod Almighty (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Salmon thumbSalmon 35.25
(176.25 pts)
July 28, 2019 51d37135 fd8d 4e81 959d 48b7866f841d thumb 521a47b8 8599 4bef 9411 cff166e20a34 thumb  Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 18.25
(146.0 pts)
April 21, 2019 5937197c 728a 43c3 b9af a4fa244a7bef thumb 462f182c deea 4d69 b30c ceab34a46218 thumb  Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 12.0
(144.0 pts)
April 21, 2019 C219bb1e e6db 497d bfd0 a8b6a840d34c thumb B899aa85 a408 4d22 92ba 84489c77e910 thumb 385b431c 08ea 43f1 816c de78e0f68c37 thumb Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.25
(130.0 pts)
April 20, 2019 58a63bcf afb7 4118 8482 943902acbdc2 thumb 2795b22c b417 42fa 9c4f c73c2edb6d32 thumb E359c36c 3f15 4a13 92d2 ca77cb7b743b thumb Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 33.0
(181.5 pts)
March 17, 2019 58099944 bc1c 43ff a98c b4331f09b791 thumb   Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 16.75
(150.75 pts)
March 17, 2019 4216014a fe68 4b13 880b ccf8673758eb thumb   Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 21.5
(172.0 pts)
November 12, 2018 B0bfb85f 2078 4214 b264 25f28f585886 thumb   Upgrade Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 34.0
(170.0 pts)
August 27, 2018 36177c17 8291 4142 89ca 2dfe3ab78b27 thumb 3973b3fa eb04 4e1d 914f 2fc40ab531ea thumb 36ac4a18 1ade 4b47 a9d6 46ece80e5d04 thumb Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.0
(136.0 pts)
August 27, 2018 F7d01219 cd29 49e5 8e56 927d4ce68bb8 thumb   Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 37.0
(185.0 pts)
July 28, 2018 Ee94b1c9 4ce2 454c b2d5 7a6c620981fb thumb E091548b 966e 489e b2b3 f77c9ea5f013 thumb 4de4ffb3 a5c4 4020 9506 81a3514d0eaf thumb Albion 24lbs pb kayak salmon Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.0
(176.0 pts)
July 26, 2018 99a61e3f c6bc 4bf9 be15 850b9ee5fec4 thumb   Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 14.0
(168.0 pts)
July 01, 2018 819c4a3d d84b 497c bcaa 90d7ba13ef4c thumb   Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 26.0
(208.0 pts)
June 18, 2018 14f3abff 4139 4aab b933 564e7c8f696d thumb 9b1338c6 26b0 4f77 81c2 88bd5e5fcdfb thumb B7dd2edf 48ed 4977 bc6f 07e16448b3dc thumb Pb cab Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 18.5
(166.5 pts)
March 10, 2018 Spot tail 2 thumb Img 5136 thumb Sbc spot2 thumb SBC Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.5
(132.0 pts)
January 28, 2018 Aoty lmb 17 thumb   the mouth is closed and the fish had a weird growth on the lip. Not a big deal if the fish is DQed or whatever as i will be catching a bigger one anyways. Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 24.0
(126.0 pts)
January 04, 2018 Fish thumb Fish2 thumb Fish3 thumb Show
Trout thumbTrout 23.75
(184.0625 pts)
December 03, 2017 Nickrainbow thumb Nickbow thumb  With NoSoup, JackJack and Midwest Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 23.5
(188.0 pts)
November 24, 2017 Whole thumb Head thumb Tail thumb Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.5
(170.5 pts)
August 19, 2017 Img 2451 thumb   Albion Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 17.0
(136.0 pts)
August 19, 2017 Img 2452 thumb   ALBION Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 30.0
(150.0 pts)
July 31, 2017 Aoty salmon  thumb   BEFORE WORK FISH Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 18.25
(95.8125 pts)
July 15, 2017 Striper1 thumb Striper2  thumb  Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 35.0
(175.0 pts)
July 02, 2017 Aoty hali upgrade4 thumb Aoty hali upgrade2 thumb Measurment board  thumb Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 23.25
(116.25 pts)
June 17, 2017 Aoty halibut4 thumb Aoty halibut3 thumb Aoty halibut2 thumb AWR TOURNY Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 17.5
(140.0 pts)
June 03, 2017 Aoty bass upgrage3 thumb Aoty bass upgrage2 thumb Aoty bass upgrage  thumb MENDO BASS Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 32.25
(177.375 pts)
May 29, 2017 Aoty catfish 3 thumb Aoty catfish 1 thumb Cat fish on kayak  thumb NIGHT FISHING AT BERRYESSA Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 14.25
(171.0 pts)
May 29, 2017 Aoty crappie 2 thumb Aoty crappie 1 thumb Aoty crappie 3 thumb NIGHT FISHING BERRYESSA Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.25
(162.0 pts)
May 21, 2017 Rock fish  thumb   GS11 Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 13.75
(165.0 pts)
May 21, 2017 Red tail perch  thumb   GS11 Downgrade to 13.75". Fish does not appear to quite hit the 14" hash mark (raised portion, not black mark). -bmb Show
Trout thumbTrout 11.5
(89.125 pts)
May 07, 2017 Aoty trout blue lakes 050717 thumb   Blue lakes trout -Unable to verify fish's tail crosses the 11.75" hash mark due to alignment. As such, downgraded to 11.5" for the closest verifiable hash mark. -bmb Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 9.75
(117.0 pts)
May 01, 2017 Img 9214 thumb   berryessa fish Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 35.0
(175.0 pts)
April 15, 2017 Img 8830  2  thumb Img 9213 thumb Img 9212 thumb season opener ling. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 18.75
(168.75 pts)
April 08, 2017 Aoty smallie 18 5 thumb   BERRY FISH Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 16.75
(150.75 pts)
April 02, 2017 Aoty smb 16 75 thumb   Berry fish Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 15.5
(124.0 pts)
April 02, 2017 Aoty lmb 15 5 thumb   Berry Fish Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 10.25
(123.0 pts)
September 18, 2016 Img 2409 thumb Img 6304 thumb Img 0357 thumb local lake had a big one and it jumped off the trough as i was snapping a pic so this one will have to do. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 34.0
(170.0 pts)
August 20, 2016 Img 3924 thumb Img 3927 thumb Img 3923 thumb COVE FISH PB SALMON FROM YAK Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.75
(142.0 pts)
May 24, 2016 Img 1255 1 thumb Img 1256 thumb Img 1258 thumb TC VERM Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 22.5
(112.5 pts)
April 18, 2016 Img 0913 thumb Img 0915 thumb Img 0914 thumb Good day on the water with AnnieAreYouOk fishing the Halibut!! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 35.0
(175.0 pts)
April 17, 2016 Aoty body shot of 36 22 ling thumb Aoty head shot 36 22 ling thumb Aoty tail shot of 36 22 ling thumb Got a nice ling. Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 21.5
(172.0 pts)
February 21, 2016 Img 0169 thumb Img 0170 thumb Img 0139 thumb Upgrade from my other little bass. Also had a nice 17 inch smallmouth but flopped out of the hawg trough before I snapped the pic. O well. Show
Trout thumbTrout 13.75
(106.5625 pts)
February 08, 2016 Img 9953 thumb Img 9954 thumb Img 9955 thumb Local lake got stoked so i figured i should get some trout for the smoker! They were all around the same size with this one being the biggest! Caught on a spinner! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 14.0
(112.0 pts)
February 07, 2016 Img 9916  1  thumb Img 9917  1  thumb Bass thumb Not the biggest but it will do for now! Local lake in the evening produced a few bass but nothing of good size. Show
