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Data Charts for BassMasterJake


Listing All Accepted Entries for BassMasterJake (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 16.25
(146.25 pts)
January 28, 2018 Jake thumb   Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 11.75
(94.0 pts)
July 04, 2017 Img 3707 thumb Img 3713 thumb  Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 16.25
(130.0 pts)
May 29, 2017 Img 3429 thumb Img 3431 thumb  Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 6.75
(81.0 pts)
May 29, 2017 Img 3456 thumb   Show
Trout thumbTrout 18.25
(141.4375 pts)
January 30, 2017 Img 2709 thumb Img 2704 thumb Img 2727 thumb Nice bycatch while Shasta bassin'. The on-the-water measurement looks nicer but the mouths a open and he has a stringer, grabbed a post-mortem pic when we got home. Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 15.5
(139.5 pts)
January 28, 2017 Img 2676 thumb Img 2681 thumb  Nice Shasta Spottie! Show
Trout thumbTrout 11.75
(91.0625 pts)
October 23, 2016 Img 2252 thumb Img 2254 thumb  Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 6.75
(81.0 pts)
June 25, 2016 Img 1531 thumb Img 1530 thumb  Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 11.0
(88.0 pts)
June 25, 2016 Img 1535 thumb S thumb  Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 14.25
(156.75 pts)
June 20, 2016 Img 1401 thumb Img 1445 thumb  First koke trip! Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 13.5
(121.5 pts)
February 28, 2016 Img 0652 thumb Img 0655 thumb  Show
