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Data Charts for snakecharmer


Listing All Accepted Entries for snakecharmer (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Salmon thumbSalmon 26.75
(133.75 pts)
September 29, 2016 Fullsizerender thumb   HMB. First Cali Kayak Salmon ever. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 31.5
(157.5 pts)
May 22, 2016 Big ling record thumb   Trolling for salmon got me a big ling in Shelter Cove. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.0
(144.0 pts)
May 22, 2016 Big black record thumb   Trolling for Salmon in Shelter Cove, and got a big black. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 17.75
(142.0 pts)
May 14, 2016 Cabezon thumb   First Cabezon Ever! Show
Laketrout thumbLake (Mackinaw) Trout 16.75
(100.5 pts)
March 19, 2016 Legal laker thumb   First Tahoe Laker ever. Mouth closed. Not the biggest one of the trip, but the only one with a photo that meets the AOTY requirements. Show
Browntrout thumbBrown Trout 16.0
(124.0 pts)
February 20, 2016 Img 5276 thumb   Trolling on Tahoe, 20 ft of water, lead core and a spoon to get it near the bottom. *Changed from "trout" to "brown trout" Show
Trout thumbTrout 14.5
(112.375 pts)
February 11, 2016 14point5 thumb   Had a rock in it's belly. Too bad we aren't competing on weight, eh? Show
