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Data Charts for Fishreaper


Listing All Accepted Entries for Fishreaper (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 12.5
(100.0 pts)
November 22, 2015 Bass 12.5 a thumb Bass 12.5 b thumb  Lake Hennessey on lure. I know it's not that big...but the first time (after several attempts) to catch anything out of that lake. Fish tacos!!! Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 22.0
(176.0 pts)
October 15, 2015 Photo 2 thumb Photo 1 thumb  Salt Point, caught on Herring with a bait threader, 60-80 ft water. 6.5 lbs This is an upgrade from my previous Cabazon listing. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.0
(136.0 pts)
August 12, 2015 Img 0090 thumb Img 0091 thumb  Vermillion, Albion, caught on squid, 80 ft water. 4.5 lbs Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 19.75
(158.0 pts)
May 31, 2015 Img 9334 thumb Img 9333 thumb Img 9335 thumb Salt Point. Herring on custom bait threader, 50 ft water. Entered as 20" but downgraded to 19.75". Rob Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 35.75
(178.75 pts)
May 31, 2015 Img 9315 thumb Img 9316 thumb Img 9317 thumb Salt Point, 15.69 lbs, Sardine on custom bait threader, 50ft of water. Entered as 36" but downgraded to 35.75". Tail not touching 36" mark. Rob Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 13.75
(151.25 pts)
May 31, 2015 Img 9337 thumb Img 9338 thumb  Salt Point, 40 ft of water, Swim Bait. Entered as 14" but downgraded to 13.75" due to tail not hitting 14" mark. Rob Show
