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Data Charts for SlayDaily


Listing All Accepted Entries for SlayDaily (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Lingcod thumbLingcod 33.5
(167.5 pts)
August 28, 2015 Img 4142 thumb Img 4143 thumb Img 4144 thumb ling upgrade. took a swimbait off of mendocino Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 23.25
(186.0 pts)
August 23, 2015 Img 4124 thumb Img 4127 thumb Img 4126 thumb Always fun getting in the kelp on flat days and hooking up! cab upgrade Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.25
(162.0 pts)
August 22, 2015 Img 4119 thumb Img 4118 thumb Img 4114 thumb Battled the south wind all morning, but managed to scratch out this guy! my personal best Red. Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 12.25
(147.0 pts)
August 16, 2015 Img 4106 thumb Img 4108 thumb  First surf perch from the kayak. Fun stuff on light tackle Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 37.25
(186.25 pts)
July 24, 2015 Img 3965 thumb Img 3987 thumb Img 3974 thumb Quick paddle after work paid off! 23lber is a nice upgrade. Hard to get good pictures, I have others if needed. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 32.25
(161.25 pts)
July 12, 2015 Img 3943 thumb Img 3946 thumb Img 3936 thumb First good size keeper for the year for me. Long weekend of shaking off nice coho and short chinook. The top fin ray hits 32.25 but I will settle for 32.0 if its too close. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.25
(167.75 pts)
June 12, 2015 Img 3869 thumb Img 3867 thumb  Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 21.0
(168.0 pts)
June 07, 2015 Img 3848 thumb Img 3850 thumb Img 3851 thumb Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 30.0
(150.0 pts)
May 30, 2015 Img 3780 thumb Img 3779 thumb Img 3778 thumb Lingcod upgrade from Shelter Cove Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 17.0
(136.0 pts)
May 21, 2015 P5210105 thumb P5210107 thumb P5210110 thumb Starting off my rockfish category with a Vermillion Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 27.25
(136.25 pts)
May 21, 2015 P5210052 thumb P5210053 thumb P5210054 thumb Lingcod on a swimbait Show
