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Data Charts for Kurious_George


Listing All Accepted Entries for Kurious_George (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Panfish thumbPanfish 11.0
(132.0 pts)
March 26, 2016 20160327 123454 thumb   Caught at clear lake Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 16.0
(128.0 pts)
June 20, 2015 20150620 194524 thumb 20150620 194531 thumb 20150620 194538 thumb Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 16.75
(134.0 pts)
June 20, 2015 20150620 194210 thumb 20150620 194204 thumb 20150620 194151 thumb Is this a copper? Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 28.5
(142.5 pts)
June 20, 2015 20150620 194826 thumb 20150620 194813 thumb 20150620 195001 thumb Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.0
(144.0 pts)
May 16, 2015 20150517 123659 thumb 20150517 123705 thumb 20150517 123709 thumb Caught during GS9 tournament. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 25.75
(128.75 pts)
May 16, 2015 20150517 123906 thumb 20150517 123915 thumb 20150517 123921 thumb One of the 2 fish turned in during GS9 tournament. Show
