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Data Charts for VIC


Listing All Accepted Entries for VIC (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Cabezon thumbCabezon 21.0
(168.0 pts)
August 25, 2016 Img 2463 thumb Img 2462 thumb Img 2461 thumb Thanks Amigos` Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.0
(152.0 pts)
May 09, 2016 Img 1870 thumb Img 1871 thumb Img 1872 thumb 18.5 ,18.75 not sure ..18" anyway whatever it`s all good Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.5
(162.5 pts)
May 09, 2016 Img 1868 thumb Img 1867 thumb Img 1869 thumb borrowed a trough was "extension" not sure if it`s valid..no big either way Thanks guys Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 26.5
(132.5 pts)
April 18, 2016 Fullsizerender  7  thumb Fullsizerender  8  thumb Fullsizerender  5  thumb first Ling of the year ..hope to upgrade soon ..LOL maybe 26.5 or 26.75 ..dont really care .. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 18.25
(146.0 pts)
April 17, 2016 Fullsizerender  9  thumb Fullsizerender  10  thumb Fullsizerender  6  thumb Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 18.0
(144.0 pts)
September 29, 2015 Img 0879 thumb Img 0877 thumb Img 0878 thumb Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 35.0
(175.0 pts)
September 29, 2015 Img 0885  1  thumb Img 0887 thumb Img 0888 thumb if it`s not legit ,it`s cool I don't have an extension on my trough ..I`ll take an upgrade to 30''....either way it`s all good thanks ,vic ***approved. Next time try to get a better angle on the full fish pic, so that we don't need to zoom in and count hash marks. That being said, the fish is clearly over 35inches, and the mouth is closed.*** -Archie Marx Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.5
(156.0 pts)
August 03, 2015 Image thumb   I tore out the gills not sure if that counts as an altered fish ..if it does I'm cool with whatever decision..second Olive in the same spot...anyway upgrade if possible thanks Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 29.5
(147.5 pts)
June 01, 2015 Fullsizerender  2  thumb   Upgrade ? is that allowed..either way it`s all good..;) Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 14.5
(116.0 pts)
May 03, 2015 Img 0421 thumb Img 0422 thumb Img 0424 thumb Olive RockFish Sonoma Coast Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 24.5
(122.5 pts)
May 03, 2015 Img 0413 thumb Img 0415 thumb Img 0414 thumb Lingcod Sonoma Coast 24 .0 or 24.5 ? Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 9.0
(108.0 pts)
April 27, 2015 Fullsizerender thumb   Lake Sonoma ..first Crappie of the year ..hope to upgrade Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 10.25
(123.0 pts)
February 03, 2015 Fullsizerender  13  thumb   White SeaPerch or "Splittail" Porto Bodega Marina Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 13.25
(106.0 pts)
January 30, 2015 Fullsizerender  5  thumb   At Lake Hennessey...the LMB mouth is touching the front of the hog troughjust hard to tell by the shade ..that being said if it is not accepted i understand ,Thanks Vic p.s. Bass was CnR Show
