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Data Charts for Fish Master1


Listing All Accepted Entries for Fish Master1 (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Lingcod thumbLingcod 30.0
(150.0 pts)
November 07, 2015 Pablitos going away party 072 thumb Pablitos going away party 071 thumb Pablitos going away party 069 thumb Caught in Stillwater Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 27.25
(136.25 pts)
July 12, 2015 Aoty3 thumb Aoty4 thumb  Caught at fanshell. Verified by Kris Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 14.0
(112.0 pts)
July 12, 2015 Aoty1 thumb Aoty2 thumb  Caught at fanshell verified by Kris Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 16.5
(181.5 pts)
July 03, 2015 Greenling thumb Greenling1 thumb  Caught in Monterey. Verfied by DPshim. *Note: downgrade to 16.5 because the tail does not reach the 16.75 mark. Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 22.0
(115.5 pts)
December 06, 2014 Misc 2014 007 thumb Misc 2014 019 thumb Misc 2014 020 thumb Caught in the Salinas river Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 29.25
(146.25 pts)
November 11, 2014 Stilwater 2014 055 thumb Stilwater 2014 056 thumb  Caught in Carmel Bay. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 27.5
(137.5 pts)
May 04, 2013 Ling 003 thumb Ling 004 thumb Ling 005 thumb Caught by the red can Monterey Show
