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Data Charts for viti


Listing All Accepted Entries for viti (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 29.5
(154.875 pts)
October 19, 2014 Striperlength thumb Striperlengthdetail thumb Img 2181 thumb caught at lake San Antonio on a trolled swim bait. Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 25.75
(141.625 pts)
September 07, 2014 Catfish length thumb Catfish length detail thumb  Caught at Lake San Antonio on a Rat-l-trap. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 14.0
(154.0 pts)
March 16, 2014 Kokanee 14 thumb Kokanee 14 tail thumb  Caught at Bass Lake trolling a wedding ring behind flashers with three colors of lead core line out. Show
Trout thumbTrout 17.25
(133.6875 pts)
January 05, 2014 Img 1339 thumb Img 1342 thumb  Caught trolling an orange flatfish F7 at bass lake. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 14.75
(162.25 pts)
July 28, 2013 Kokanee thumb   Caught on a firetiger super hoochie behind a brass colored Sep's pro dodger, with four colors of leadcore out, near the dam at Bass Lake. Show
Trout thumbTrout 16.25
(125.9375 pts)
July 28, 2013 Trout thumb   Caught on a pink and silver hoochie behind a glow/pink sling blade, with four colors of lead core out, near the dam at Bass Lake. Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 8.0
(96.0 pts)
July 28, 2013 Bluegill thumb   Caught on a pink and silver hoochie behind a pink/glow sling blade while trolling for trout at Bass Lake. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 12.0
(132.0 pts)
April 13, 2013 Img 1140 thumb   Caught trolling a red wedding ring behind chrome flashers on 4 pound mono at Bass Lake. Show
Trout thumbTrout 14.25
(110.4375 pts)
April 13, 2013 Img 1141 thumb   Caught on a red wedding ring behind chrome flashers on Bass Lake. Not my biggest rainbow in 2013, but the biggest since I paid my AOTY dues...Hopeful to upgrade later. Show
