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Data Charts for piscolabis


Listing All Accepted Entries for piscolabis (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Trout thumbTrout 15.0
(116.25 pts)
July 05, 2024 Aoty 15  rainbow thumb Hawg trough verification thumb  First 2024 AOTY entry (to get on the "board") and first AOTY entry since 2012 Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 4.5
(54.0 pts)
October 14, 2012 Bluegill 4.5 22  thumb   Suitable for fish bait! Show
Trout thumbTrout 23.0
(178.25 pts)
October 12, 2012 Lahontan cutthroat 10 12 12 23 22 thumb L. cut   mid thumb L. cutthroat 10 12 12 23 22 close up thumb Very difficult to photo. a CnR on the yak (note meas. of anal fin to verify) Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 9.75
(107.25 pts)
September 27, 2012 Kokanee 1 thumb Kokanee 2 thumb  dinks for points Show
Trout thumbTrout 18.75
(145.3125 pts)
September 22, 2012 18.75 lahontan cutthroat thumb 12 thumb  CR'd Lahontan Cutthroat Show
Laketrout thumbLake (Mackinaw) Trout 33.0
(198.0 pts)
April 09, 2012 12 thumb 12 thumb 12 thumb Caught at Union Valley Res. 4/9/12 33" 13 lb. 12 oz. Show
Trout thumbTrout 12.5
(96.875 pts)
January 11, 2012 12 thumb   Union Valley Res. first fish of the year, first time entry for AOTY. Show
