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Data Charts for fishworksRC


Listing All Accepted Entries for fishworksRC (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.75
(173.25 pts)
December 27, 2014 20141227 093209 thumb 20141227 093206 thumb 20141227 093159 thumb Finally, a greenling to submit..last day on the blue for 2014 at SWS. BEAUTIFUL DAY Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 27.5
(144.375 pts)
December 06, 2014 20141206 121557 thumb 20141206 125554 thumb  Great day with friends at the port Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 22.25
(178.0 pts)
November 14, 2014 Fworksverm3 thumb Fworksverm2 thumb Dscf6010 thumb Big Verm caught day before the LRC tourney. Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 13.25
(145.75 pts)
October 18, 2014 Kimg0062 thumb Kimg0059 thumb  First kokanee of the year.. And Mouth Closed!!! Tahoe Baby *entered as 13.5 but tail does not reach 13.5 mark. Changed to 13.25. Nice job on mouth closed though.I hope those are Christina's nails...* BigJim Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 36.75
(183.75 pts)
October 14, 2014 Kimg0033 thumb Kimg0034 thumb Kimg0030 thumb Finally, first Mud Salmon of 2014! *changed from 37 to 36.75* Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 12.5
(100.0 pts)
October 13, 2014 Kimg0021 thumb   The port bass Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 19.0
(99.75 pts)
October 11, 2014 Kimg0018 thumb  2.img 20141011 154624 thumb  Delta striper on my t13's maiden voyage. Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 25.0
(125.0 pts)
June 07, 2014 20140607 111707 thumb 20140607 111658 thumb 20140607 151835 thumb One fun day in the bay. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.25
(161.25 pts)
May 16, 2014 20140516 134042  800x600  thumb 20140516 134046  800x600  thumb  first Ling of 2014. caught at GS8 Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 20.75
(166.0 pts)
May 16, 2014 20140516 134130  800x600  thumb 20140516 134133  800x600  thumb  First Cab of 2014.Caught at GS8 Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 21.26
(170.08 pts)
December 30, 2013 20131230 093208  800x600  thumb 20131230 093251  800x600  thumb  Great Bass to my years End. Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 17.0
(153.0 pts)
December 30, 2013 20131230 135940  600x800  thumb 20131230 135943  600x800  thumb 20131230 140004  800x600  thumb A much needed and Nice Spot at berry. Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 30.8
(169.4 pts)
December 30, 2013 20131230 105318 thumb 20131230 105321 thumb 20131230 105243 thumb A Great Catch at a Years End. My PB too! Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 11.25
(135.0 pts)
December 23, 2013 20131223 121245 thumb 20131223 121250 thumb  Fabulous winter day at Moss landing. Caught over a dozen perch. Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 29.0
(152.25 pts)
November 29, 2013 20131129 172528 thumb 20131129 172518 thumb 20131129 172523 thumb Not a bad day at the port..witnessed by Novofish Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 34.0
(170.0 pts)
November 01, 2013 20131101 182026  600x800  thumb 20131101 182031  600x800  thumb  A fantastic day @ SWS with Naoaki. Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 33.5
(167.5 pts)
October 30, 2013 20131030 112300  800x600  thumb 20131030 112304  800x600  thumb 20131030 112324  600x800  thumb Finally, a chip off the shoulder and a Great Day to BOOT! Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 26.5
(139.125 pts)
October 26, 2013 Img 6580  600x800  thumb 20131026 134657  800x600  thumb 20131026 134651  800x600  thumb Just another good day at the Port! Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.0
(165.0 pts)
October 06, 2013 20131006 085522 thumb 20131006 095443 thumb  First trip to Tdad ..witnessed by Novofish. Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 15.75
(126.0 pts)
August 10, 2013 Img 6102 thumb   Caught at Albion..first cab oty. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 30.25
(151.25 pts)
August 10, 2013 Img 6099 thumb   Thats an upgrade..caught at Albion. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 20.0
(160.0 pts)
August 09, 2013 20130809 133622 thumb Img 6072  600x800  thumb  PB rockfish..caught at Albion. Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 15.5
(85.25 pts)
July 14, 2013 20130714 185531  600x800  thumb 20130714 184707  800x600  thumb  another beautiful evening at the port Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 9.25
(111.0 pts)
July 13, 2013 Dscf0252  800x600  thumb   caught at Port of sac night fishing Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 13.75
(151.25 pts)
June 08, 2013 Dscf0230  800x600  thumb   Caught at New Melones @ FreshKats series. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 15.25
(122.0 pts)
May 03, 2013 Dscf0204 thumb Dscf0205  800x600  thumb Dscf0207  800x600  thumb Caught @ SWS 2 days after the opener..Great Day Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 29.25
(146.25 pts)
May 03, 2013 Dscf0198 thumb Dscf0192 thumb Dscf0196  800x600  thumb Caught @ SWS 2 days after the opener Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 14.24
(156.64000000000001 pts)
May 03, 2013 Dscf0177 thumb Dscf0178 thumb  Another Pointer caught at SWS 2 days after the opener Show
Trout thumbTrout 15.48
(119.97 pts)
April 18, 2013 Dscf0144  800x600  thumb Dscf0145  800x600  thumb Dscf0146  800x600  thumb First aoty fish on my very first hobie on its very first voyage!=Nice. Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 15.125
(136.125 pts)
March 25, 2013 20130324 131455 thumb 20130324 131451 thumb 20130324 131257 thumb Nice day on folsom Show
Trout thumbTrout 19.0
(147.25 pts)
August 21, 2012 082112162153  800x600  thumb 082112162200  800x600  thumb  A berryessa furry trout..oh so ugly! Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 15.0
(165.0 pts)
August 21, 2012 082112162230  600x800  thumb 082112162314  800x600  thumb  First koke caught this year,its a start! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 27.5
(137.5 pts)
August 04, 2012 2012 08 05 11 44 33 908  800x451  thumb 2012 08 05 11 44 40 449  800x451  thumb 2012 08 05 11 44 44 980  800x451  thumb Caught in Monterey at the MBK tourny! GreaT Day! Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 33.0
(165.0 pts)
July 21, 2012 Dscf1189  800x600  thumb Dscf1186  800x600  thumb  Caught at PIF in Monterey at One of Montereys most Epic Salmon Bite! Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 35.5
(177.5 pts)
July 21, 2012  Dscf1203  800x600  thumb Dscf1197  800x600  thumb Caught after PIF, in front of MBK, at the Most Epic Event/day of the year! My Pb Hali! yeaaaaaaaaa! Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 25.25
(132.5625 pts)
June 16, 2012 6 16 12ar stripers thumb 6 16 12ar stripers  3  thumb 6 16 12ar stripers  4  thumb Great Early morning on the Bountiful AR with my cuzin Joe. Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 25.9
(129.5 pts)
May 13, 2012 Dscf1061  800x600  thumb Dscf1062  800x600  thumb Dscf1063  800x600  thumb Caught the second day at GS6...thanks again Eric! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.75
(158.0 pts)
May 12, 2012 Dscf1051  800x600  thumb Dscf1052  800x600  thumb  CAUGHT AT GS6 MY FIRST TIME THERE...THANKS ERIC! Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 22.5
(180.0 pts)
May 12, 2012 Dscf1049  800x600  thumb Dscf1050  800x600  thumb  Caught at GS6..My personal best to date! Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.5
(170.5 pts)
May 12, 2012 Dscf1041  800x600  thumb Dscf1042  800x600  thumb  Caught at GS6...AN EPIC AND PLENTIFUL WEEKEND IT WAS...THANKS ERIC! Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 18.75
(168.75 pts)
April 27, 2012 Cimg3292  800x533  thumb Cimg3290  800x533  thumb Cimg3296  800x533  thumb Beautiful evening on Folsom after work. A end of the day surprise..witnessed my Joe(sandbag) Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 15.5
(139.5 pts)
April 21, 2012 Cimg3186  800x533  thumb Cimg3188  800x533  thumb Cimg3189  800x533  thumb Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 18.0
(144.0 pts)
April 14, 2012 Cimg3150  800x533  thumb Cimg3149  800x533  thumb Dscf0985  800x600  thumb caught prefishin for yakhoppers bass tourny at CL Show
Laketrout thumbLake (Mackinaw) Trout 21.5
(129.0 pts)
January 01, 2012 Dscf0929  800x600  thumb Dscf0932  800x600  thumb Dscf0927  800x600  thumb Caught @ Lake Tahoe New Years day in 120 fow! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 19.0
(152.0 pts)
December 10, 2010    Caught at clearlake and u already know on what!!..j/k a lil bigger! Show
Catfish thumbCatfish 24.25
(133.375 pts)
December 10, 2010    1st cat of the year and its about time! Caught at clearlake 12/10 Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 25.25
(132.5625 pts)
November 09, 2010 Dscf0464  800x533  thumb Dscf0465  800x533  thumb Dscf0463  800x533  thumb Caught at the port of sac. witness by gary(makinitcount). Show
Salmon thumbSalmon 32.5
(162.5 pts)
October 30, 2010 Dscf0431  800x533  thumb Dscf0435  800x533  thumb Dscf0432  800x533  thumb 1st River King since 2005 caught and shared w/ my Ncka buds on the American R. Opener! What a Epic Day! Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 9.25
(111.0 pts)
October 02, 2010 Dscf0350  800x533  thumb Dscf0349  800x533  thumb  Caught at the red barn 10/2/2010...the jig is bigger than it!! Show
Striped bass thumbStriped Bass 20.0
(105.0 pts)
August 24, 2010 Dscf0167  800x533  thumb Dscf0168  800x533  thumb Dscf0178  800x533  thumb On the american, mid summer. On bait! First keeper this year on the yak! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 27.0
(135.0 pts)
July 31, 2010 Aoty ling pic1 thumb Aoty ling pic2 thumb Our rockfish  thumb Also caught at albion! Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 18.76
(150.08 pts)
July 30, 2010 Aoty cabpic1 thumb Aoty cab pic2 thumb  My biggest cab to date! And this fatty had an octupus and a small abalone in his gut!Caught @ albion Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 14.25
(156.75 pts)
July 30, 2010    Caught at albion! Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 26.24
(131.2 pts)
July 17, 2010 Aoty hali pic1 thumb Aoty hali pic2 thumb 2nd hali of 2010 26.25 thumb caught at ARW. #2 baby! Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 25.0
(125.0 pts)
July 04, 2010 25in thumb 25in. thumb Aoty halipic1 thumb @ arw on july 4th! yea baby! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.0
(144.0 pts)
May 29, 2010 Aoty rf pic 1 thumb Aoty rf pic 2 thumb Rockfish and ling  640x480  thumb yellowtail rf caught at Lover'sPoint Memorial weekend Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 15.0
(120.0 pts)
May 29, 2010 Rics 1st cab  640x480  thumb Aoty cab pic 1 thumb Aoty cab pic 2 thumb First cab ever! Not huge but nice. caught at Lover's point on a Jig! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 13.75
(110.0 pts)
May 02, 2010 Img 0352 thumb Img 0353 thumb  Caught at Lover'sPoint in Monterey on the opener. Show
Panfish thumbPanfish 13.5
(162.0 pts)
April 26, 2010 Cimg2127 thumb 13.5in crappie thumb Nice crappie thumb First crappie of 2010 and not bad! caught drifting minnows in putah creek @ Berry Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 18.0
(144.0 pts)
April 10, 2010 Img 0298 thumb Img 0301 thumb Img 0296 thumb 1st of 2 bass caught at Yakhoppers Clear Lake event! Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 15.5
(170.5 pts)
April 08, 2010 Cimg2095 thumb Cimg2096 thumb Cimg2098 thumb Berry of Course! And they keep gettin Bigger! Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 17.0
(136.0 pts)
April 03, 2010 Cimg2075 thumb Cimg2078 thumb Cimg2076 thumb First LMB of the year! Berry! Not Bad Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 15.0
(165.0 pts)
April 03, 2010 Cimg2080 thumb Cimg2081 thumb  Berryessa @Big Island! Gettin Bigger Show
Kokanee thumbKokanee 12.75
(140.25 pts)
March 24, 2010 Cimg2047 thumb Cimg2048 thumb Cimg2050 thumb First koke caught this year at The VeryBerry! Show
Trout thumbTrout 16.0
(124.0 pts)
March 17, 2010 Cimg2016 thumb Cimg2024 thumb  folsom on a pink j-plug Show
Smallmouth bass thumbSmallmouth Bass & Spotted Bass 15.5
(139.5 pts)
February 17, 2010    Caught at folsom drifting minnows Show
Spotted bass thumbSpotted Bass 16.0
(144.0 pts)
February 17, 2010    Also caught at folsom drifting minnows! Show
Trout thumbTrout 13.75
(106.5625 pts)
February 04, 2010 Resized3 thumb Resized4 thumb  Show
