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Data Charts for BigJim


Listing All Accepted Entries for BigJim (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Lingcod thumbLingcod 30.0
(150.0 pts)
July 05, 2014 Fullbody thumb Mouth thumb Tail thumb Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 18.25
(146.0 pts)
May 17, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb Image thumb Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 23.0
(184.0 pts)
May 17, 2014 Image thumb Image thumb  Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 15.25
(167.75 pts)
May 17, 2014 Greenlingwhole thumb Greenlingtail thumb Greenlingmouth thumb Show
Cahalibut thumbCalifornia Halibut 25.25
(126.25 pts)
July 16, 2010 34536 10150237388645192 677140191 13952706 5321421 n thumb  34680 10150237388380192 677140191 13952692 6452027 n thumb Bean Hollow Baby!!!! Show
Surfperch thumbSurf Perch 6.0
(72.0 pts)
June 06, 2010 32578 10150210901170192 677140191 13183055 6855699 n thumb   What a whopper!! ; ) Show
Largemouth bass thumbLargemouth Bass 17.75
(142.0 pts)
June 04, 2010  P6040011 thumb  At the Heroes on the Water event!! Caught another one that I think was 18, but the picture didn't have his mouth closed so this one will have to do!! My first time Bass fishing ever!! Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 19.5
(156.0 pts)
May 15, 2010 31828 10150197629510192 677140191 12793150 4719584 n thumb 31828 10150197629545192 677140191 12793152 443026 n thumb 31828 10150197629055192 677140191 12793130 158201 n thumb GS4 Verm!!! Show
Cabezon thumbCabezon 19.25
(154.0 pts)
May 15, 2010 31828 10150197629335192 677140191 12793142 7290387 n thumb P5150020 thumb  GS4 Cabbie caught and released!! Witnessed by CaptainKayak. Show
Greenling thumbGreenling 14.25
(156.75 pts)
May 15, 2010  P5150010 thumb  GS4 Greenling caught and released! Witnessed by fishinmike. Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 13.25
(106.0 pts)
May 08, 2010 31273 10150192387130192 677140191 12666771 7057930 n thumb 31273 10150192387150192 677140191 12666773 7386982 n thumb  Capitola GrassCod Show
Vermillion thumbRockfish 15.0
(120.0 pts)
May 01, 2010    StillWater Cove RF Opener!! First fish of the season!!! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 32.5
(162.5 pts)
May 01, 2010  Trailing thumb P5010031 2 thumb StillWater Cove RF Opener!! My biggest Ling ever, and even more fun on a Clarus Spinning rod set-up!! Show
Lingcod thumbLingcod 31.0
(155.0 pts)
May 01, 2010    http://www.norcalkayakanglers.com/index.php/topic,23964.msg251619.html#new Show
